2.giraffe_n.長頸鹿, 鹿豹座An African ruminant mammal (Giraffa camelopardalis) having a very long neck and legs, a tan coat with orange-brown to black blotches, and short horns. It is the tallest land animal, often reaching a height of 5 meters (16? feet), and feeds principally by browsing in the tree canopy of wooded grasslands. 長頸鹿:壹種非洲的反芻哺乳動物(長頸鹿) ,有很長的脖子和腿,有黃褐色到黑色的斑點和短短的角。它是陸上最高的動物,經常達到5米高(16.5英尺)。主要吃長滿樹木的草原上的樹木頂端嫩葉 _. A_giraffe_has a long neck.
3.mosquito_蚊子:任壹種蚊科的雙翅昆蟲,其中大多數雌性蚊蟲與長有用來吸血的長喙那種有區別。有些蚊子可傳播疾病,比如瘧疾和黃熱病也作 區域的_. A_mosquito_is very small