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2.1英文歌曲的特點The characteristics of English songs


1. English songs are full of sentiments and beautiful rhythms, enjoyable to your heart and soul. These are due to the songs’ expression of feelings; they can create a relaxing atmosphere and make the listeners to hum along, be completely entranced without feeling tense or shy, and they will even instinctively apply the lyrics of their favorite songs in conversations.


2. English songs are excellent listening comprehension materials. When compared with other materials, English songs are more superior in terms of their vivid contents, simple wordings, lively and interesting styles and they are touching, memorable and not boring.

Regular listening to English songs will be a great help to aural training, and in turn enhance the oral English capability.

(三)英文歌涵蓋大量的語言知識,蘊含許多與口語的習慣表達方式,主要體現在詞匯,語法,句法,習語等,口語不僅是書面語的變體,事實上,尤其在當地人的交談中,包含著廣泛的慣用的表達方式,其中許多不同於書面語,例如,歌曲中常出現的“Don’t know why?”中缺少主語,這種省略現象經常在口語中出現。此外,在歌曲中大量出現的詞匯,表達,甚至語法知識,如果單憑單純的枯燥的記憶,收效甚微,因此,利用歌曲的簡練精確,富於邏輯,瑯瑯上口來幫助記憶也是個不錯的選擇,例如:在Casablanca 中的“As time goes by”和Yesterday once more中的“look back on”都與“recall”壹樣表示“回憶”,利用生動活潑的歌曲來擴充語言知識相對於壹味的枯燥的背誦近義詞更容易。況且,新時代的來臨,許多新詞匯也層出不窮,解除流行的英文歌就相當於永遠跟隨著與新的流行語。

3. English songs have a lot of linguistic knowledge; they contain many idiomatic ways of saying things and are mainly reflected in vocabulary, grammar, syntax and idioms. Spoken language is not only a variety of written language; in fact, particularly in local conversations,it comprises an extensive idiomatic ways of expressions, many of which are different from written language; for example, the lack of subject in “Don’t know why?” often appears in songs, this ellipsis happens regularly in spoken language. Moreover, if you want to memorize the vocabularies, expressions and even grammar knowledge which appear in English songs by only relying on mere boring memory, the effect will likely be negligible. So it would not be a bad option to make use of the concisely accurate, richly logical and easy to sing lyrics of the songs to help us to memorize. For example, the “As time goes by” in Casablanca and the “look back on” in Yesterday Once More, they both refer to ‘recall’ just like ‘remember’; it is so much easier to enrich language knowledge through the use of vivid and lively songs rather than repeatedly reciting boring synonyms. Besides, new words continue to emerge in this new era, so you are always with the buzzwords if you keep listening to popular English songs.

2.2英文歌曲的理論依據The thesis of English songs


(1)符合學生的年齡心理特征。學生的心理特征是由形象思維向抽象思維過渡,抽象思維依靠形象思維支持的。學生喜歡直觀、形象,讓他們枯燥地背誦英語單詞,猶如把他們捆綁起來,學生能情緒高漲嗎?而采用聽、唱英文歌曲的教學手段,將語言與情境結合,創造生動、活潑的課堂學習氛圍,學生在獲得愉悅的同時,更激活了學習的心理內驅力,使大腦充滿生機和活力(Xie Jingrong,2008)。

1. Apply English songs that comply with the psychological characteristic of students’ age and cognition rule.

(1) Compliance with the psychological characteristic of students’ age: The psychological characteristic of students is a transition from imagery thinking to abstract thinking, while the abstract thinking is supported by the imagery thinking. Students like to perceive through the senses and visualization; asking them to boringly memorize English vocabularies will make them feel just like being tied up, how can they be in high spirits? By adopting the means of teaching in listening and singing English songs, and by combining language and context to create a vivid and lively classroom learning environment, while the students are in a joyous mood, their psychological motivation of learning will also be activated and their minds will be full of vigor and vitality (Xie Jingrong,2008).
