英英釋義:a reason for having particular feelings or behaving in a particular way
例句:High unemployment rates are cause for worry.
2. 為什麽選這個詞?
“cause”是名詞,它最基本也是很多學習者最熟悉的意思是“原因(cause and effect)”,不過它也可以用來表示“理由”。過去壹個月中,《經濟學人》每壹期中都有“cause”的這個用法,可見它有多麽高頻。我們可以在寫作中用它來替換 reason。
註意,cause 表示“理由”時,是不可數名詞,前面不要加a/an。它最常見的搭配有 be/give cause for concern/celebration/alarm。來看其中幾個例子。
The early signals give cause for both hope and worry.(這裏的 give 也可以換成 are)
如果我們想表達某個東西讓我們喜憂參半,就可以用“give cause for both hope and worry”。
由於媒體報道的問題壹般要比好事多,所以我們在閱讀中見到“cause for worry/concern/alarm”的幾率要比“cause for celebration”高。最近壹篇關於拉美政治的文章中也有壹句:
Latin Americans are increasingly dissatisfied with politics in their countries. That is cause for worry.
The narrowing gap between bonds and stocks is grounds for anxiety, but not yet cause for alarm.
這句寫得特別漂亮,句式工整,表述簡潔。從中可以看出 anxiety 和 alarm 之間的程度差異;也可以順便學到 ground 作復數可以表示“理由”,和我們今天學習的 cause 意思相同,兩者經常可以互換。在閱讀中要多多留意和積累這種同義替換,壹石二鳥,高效學習詞匯。
3. 怎樣學會使用這個詞?
If you have cause for a particular feeling or action, you have good reasons for feeling it or doing it.
Only a few people can find any cause for celebration.
cause of ...是“……的根源”,of 的賓語不壹定指行為或感覺,cause for ...是“……的理由”,for 的賓語壹定指行為或感覺,如 the cause of the accident 和 the cause of the crime, cause for complaint 和 cause for rejoicing。cause for 前面沒有 the。
a. 搭配]ADJ.
?good, great, real, reasonable 正當的/ 充分的/ 真正的/ 合理的理由
b. [搭配]VERB + CAUSE?
?have 有理由:We have good cause to believe that he was involved in the crime. 我們有充分理由相信他涉嫌此案。?
?find 找理由:The experts may find cause to disagree with the school’s decision. 專家可能找理由不同意校方的決定。?
?give (sb) 給(某人)理由:Her health is giving us great cause for concern. 她的健康狀況讓我們十分擔心。?
?show 表明理由:The onus is on government departments to show cause why information cannot be disclosed. 政府部門有責任說明不能把信息公開的理由。
c. [搭配]PREP.~ for
導致…的理由:There is no cause for alarm. 沒有必要恐慌。
d. [搭配]PHRASES
cause for concern 擔心的理由
with/ without good cause有/ 沒有充足的理由
without just cause沒有正當的理由
(參考翻譯:Users are increasingly dissatisfied with how Internet companies treat their data. That is cause for worry. 或者 Internet users grow increasingly discontent with the way their data are treated by Internet companies, which is cause for concern.)
造句:His health is giving us great cause for concern.?
造句:For winner this would be cause for celebration, but for loser this would be cause for concern.?
造句:There is no cause for anxiety.?
場景4: 很多人都面臨失業,這會讓我們擔心,但不至於引起恐慌。
造句:Many people are faced with unemployment. It was cause for concern, but no cause for panic.?