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虛榮心 :

1. vanity

2. amour-propre


1. 他因虛榮心太重而垮臺。

His vanity brought his downfall.

2. 她出於虛榮心而嫁給了那個富人。

She married the rich man out of vanity.

3. 他因虛榮心太重而垮臺.

His vanity was his downfall.

4. 他有很多缺點, 但並沒有虛榮心.

He has many faults, but vanity is not one of them.


1. peacockery

2. vanity

3. vainglory

4. mummery


1. 他因虛榮心太重而垮臺。

His vanity brought his downfall.

2. 她出於虛榮心而嫁給了那個富人。

She married the rich man out of vanity.

3. 他因虛榮心太重而垮臺.

His vanity was his downfall.

4. 虛榮自負是他的致命傷.

Vanity is his Achilles' heel.


1. praise

2. approve of

Relative explainations:

<resound> <glorify> <preen> <preach up> <panegyric> <talk up> <turn up the thumbs> <speak highly of> <pat on the back> <give credit> <spoken highly of> <approbation> <exalt> <proclaim>


1. 各報都異口同聲地對總統表示贊揚。

The papers all chorused the praises of the President.

2. 讓我們來贊揚上帝吧。

Let us give praise to God.

3. 這位醫生受到所有人的高度贊揚。

This doctor received high praise from everyone.

4. 她贊揚的話鼓舞人們工作更努力。

Her words of praise were a stimulus for people to work harder.

5. 他寫了壹首詩贊揚她的美麗。

He wrote a poem praising her loveliness.

6. 老師贊揚了她的勇氣。

The teacher praised her for her courage.

7. 他們那套遭到許多非難的設備操縱起來實際上要比別的地方許多備受贊揚的設備好得多。

Their much reviled system in fact works far better than many highly praised ones elsewhere.

8. 將軍高度贊揚了他在那次戰爭中的英勇事跡。

His heroism in that war was highly praised by the general.