1. 我不再是只蛋了,是時候出去闖蕩了。
I'm not an egg anymore, it's time I left the nest.
2. 我早就退學了,在社會上闖蕩5年了。
I am early left school, enter socially swing 5 years.
3. 他闖蕩七大洋去歷險.
He's sailed the seven seas in search of adventure .
4. 然而,人類天生比較喜歡闖蕩,天生躁動不安,喜歡打破飯碗。
Human nature is more nomadic than that; it is restless, it is given to overturning the cooking pot.
5. 在美與狂熱流行遊戲中闖蕩使得我會用心去觀察,感覺和辨別。
Plays beautiful, impassioned fashion game as gifted to see, feel and sense with intuition.
6. 當然,我想妳可能會說,我要自己闖蕩天涯,自由自在,不要男人的束縛。
Of course, I think you will say, I want to travel by myself lightheartedly without bondages of men.
7. 於是希望將來出去闖蕩江湖的黑暗精靈們在這裏受訓,並願意收取較少的酬勞。
As a result the Dark Elf heroes trained here, eager to get out and make their fortune elsewhere, are willing to charge less for their services.
8. 所以,我說,沒有責任感而盲目崇尚自由闖蕩的男人只是壹種任性和貪玩的表現。
So, I know, if a man has no sense of responsibilities and admires blindly freeness and traveling, means he is willful.
9. 本來為壹個人闖蕩外地--無依無靠--將要過自己的第壹個生日而傷感郁悶呢!
A person work in the strange field, no friends in there,the first birthday which I gruduated from university to LUOYANG let me sad!
10. 納米比沙漠住著數百種動物,它們把這裏當做自己的家,從未到沙漠之外的地方闖蕩。
Hundreds of species that have never ventured beyond the desert's borders call the Namib home.
11. 讓他不要偷窺和偷盜,不要到處藏匿,從而懂得寬容,在這個因他而存在的世界中闖蕩。
Let him not peep or steal ,or skulk up and down with the air of a charity boy ,a bastard ,or an interloper in the world which exists for him.
12. 年輕,意味著甘願放棄溫馨浪漫去闖蕩生活,意味著超越羞澀、怯懦和欲望的膽識與氣質。
Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease.
13. 他以壹個賣舊衣服的小店夥計起家,在服裝界闖蕩,終於達到了他看來很吸引人的事業的頂峰。
Starting as a clerk in a shop which peddles rags,he rips through the garment jungle to reach the top of his outwardly glamorous profession.
14. 年輕,意味著甘願放棄溫馨浪漫的愛情去闖蕩生活,意味著超越羞澀、怯懦和欲望的膽識與氣質。
Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.
15. “當我開始在國米的闖蕩的時候我還很年輕,”他解釋說,“現在的我更成熟了,學會了為球衣而戰。”
"I was very young when I started my Nerazzurri adventure," he explained. "I'm now more mature and would be fighting for a regular shirt."
16. 開車四處闖蕩,有風景,有食物,更重要的是人文。這不是自駕遊,而是體驗不同地方的生活文化和人民生活。
Leading readers to experience different cultures and live by driving around with nice scenery and foods, and also life humanity.