rhyme
rhyme1
/ra?m/
n
[Date:
1100-1200;
Language:
Old
French;
Origin:
rime,
probably
from
Latin
rhythmus;
[C]
a
short
poem
or
song,
especially
for
children,
using
words
that
rhyme
a
collection
of
traditional
rhymes
with
illustrations
→
nursery
rhyme
[C]
a
word
that
rhymes
with
another
word
rhyme
for
Can
you
think
of
a
rhyme
for
'bicycle'?
[U]
words
or
lines
of
poetry
that
rhyme
love
his
use
of
rhyme
and
rhythm.
in
rhyme
The
whole
story
is
written
in
rhyme.
no
rhyme
or
reason
no
sensible
reason
or
organization
There
seems
to
be
no
rhyme
or
reason
for
the
school's
behaviour.
rhyme
rhyme2
v
[not
in
progressive]
[I]
if
two
words
or
lines
of
poetry
rhyme,
they
end
with
the
same
sound,
including
a
vowel
rhyme
with
'Hat'
rhymes
with
'cat'.
The
song
has
rhyming
couplets
(=pairs
of
lines
that
end
in
words
that
rhyme)
.
[T]
to
put
two
or
more
words
together
to
make
them
rhyme
rhyme
sth
with
sth
You
can't
rhyme
'box'
with
'backs'.