1.羽加迪姆勒維奧薩 漂浮咒 Wingardium Leviosa
2.阿拉霍洞開開門咒 Alohomora
3.腿立僵停死鎖腿咒 Locomotor Mortis
4.統統石化石化咒 Petrificus Totalus
1.烏龍出洞 Serpensortia
2.壹忘皆空遺忘咒 Obliviate
3.咒立停(這個讓我想到瀉立停?!) Finite Incantatem
4.急急現形現形咒 Aparecium
5.咧嘴呼啦啦 Rictusempra
6.塔朗泰拉舞 Tarantallegra
speak to me, Slytherin,greatest of the Hogwarts Four
1.除妳武器繳械咒 Expelliarmus
2.滑稽滑稽 Riddikulus
3.我莊嚴宣誓我沒幹好事 I solemnly swear that I am up to no good
4.惡作劇完畢 Mischief managed
5.防雨防濕 Impervius
6.快快復蘇 Enervate
7.呼神護衛守護神咒 Expecto patronus
8.瓦迪瓦西發射咒 Waddiwasi
1.消隱無蹤 Deletrius
2.速速變大 Engorgio
3.速速縮小 Reducio
4.熒光閃爍 Lumos
5.給我指路指路咒 Poine me
6.阿瓦達索命索命咒 Avada Kedavra
7.魂魄出竅奪魂咒 Imperio
8.障礙重重障礙咒 Impedimenta
9.昏昏倒地 Stupefy
10.門牙塞大棒 Densaugeo
11.火烤熱辣辣 Furnunculus
12.詞典飛來 Accio Dictionary
13.火弩箭飛來 Accio Firebolt
14.飛來飛去 Accio
15.鉆心剜骨鉆心咒 Crucio
16.蘭花盛開 Orchideous
17.飛鳥群群 Avis
18.粉身碎骨粉碎咒 Reducto
Bone of feather, unknouingly given, you will renew your son
Flesh of the servant, willingly given you will revive your master
Blood oh the enemy,forcibly taken you will ressuttrct your foe
22.獎杯飛來 Accio
23.聲音洪亮 Sonorus
24.悄聲細語 Quietus
25.屍骨再現 Morsmordre
26.閃回前咒 Prior Incantato
27.火焰熊熊 Incendio
28.力松勁泄 Relashio
29.修復如初 Reparo
30.四分五裂 Diffindo
1.清理壹新 Scourgify
2.箱子移動 Locomotor trunk
3.青蛙飛來 Accio frog
4.無聲無息 Silencio
5.試卷飛來 Accio
6.魔杖飛來 Stupefy
7.快快禁錮 Colloportus
8.大腦飛來 Accio brain
9.盔甲護身 Protego
10.預言球飛來 Accio Prophecy
11.攝神取念 Legilimens
12.門托斯 Portus
13.收拾 Pack