Modern USA slang is with regard to English effect, have appraise the view differing, somebody thinks that slang is very "newfashioned" , may drive development of English , somebody to think that slang "has wasted" English then. How what actually happened is appraised to American English, what people is unable to see completely identical or is totally different. Language is difficult to be perfect after all , white jade is too busy; Always both pure and no pure, both have correctly and have falsehood, and it has always been so, less than strange together. "But at present a lot of spoken language of USA express way being popular for very , sound also very pleasing to the ear, use appearance difficult to rise `to quick-freeze a snack' to make peopel appetizing, English is engaged in in confusion , especially neither fish nor fowl in fact". The component that USA slang occupies in American English is more and more heavy but , the daily life hits the target in people being put into use also Yue Lai Yue frequently in other words , being that essential one kind language has exchanged way in American life. Now American English embodies in slang therefore to very big English effect degree.
現代美國俚語作為壹種交際工具,是英語語言中豐富多彩的、極富有活力的成分。它服務於社會,以社會為基礎。隨著社會的發展,其中有壹部分俚語由於不再適應社會,不再實用,慢慢地從社會這個大舞臺上退出。而有壹部分仍然活躍,經久不衰,或者慢慢地進入標準語的行列。與此同時,新的俚語會因社會和時代的需要而如雨後春筍般出現,填補其中的空白。1960年文特華斯和弗萊克森主編的《美國俚語詞典》(Dictionary of American Slang)收錄了15,000個俚語詞,據他們估計,其中美國人常用的有2000多個。而到了1961年,瑪裏安韋伯斯特的“THE INTERNATION”在同意前者的詞義的情況下只列出了500多個俚語詞,可見在這壹年之中有如此多的俚語成為了標準語,衍變速度有多快,同時它們留下的空缺又由新的俚語添補上。
Modern USA slang is one kind of social intercourse implement, component being that English of colour and variety , is rich in a vigour extremely in language. It serves Yu society , takes society as basis. Have a part of slang with the development of society , among them since adapt to society no longer , no longer pragmatic, this withdraws from slowly from society on big stages. Have a part not to decline but still active , durable , enter or standard language ranks slowly. Need that meanwhile, new slang will be because of society and times but if bamboo shoots after a spring rain as appear , fill in blank space among them. (Dictionary of American Slang) that culture Tehuasi and Fulaikesen edit has included 15,000 slang in 1960 word, according to their estimate more than 2,000 American having among them in common use. But have arrived at 1961 , have listed more than 500 slang only under the "THE of Malian Webster INTERNATION " condition in the meaning of a word agreeing with the former word, It can be seen that the slang having being more like this in this in 1 year has become standard language, evolve how quick be speed , the vacant position that they leave at the same time replenish is listed in from new slang.
Language comes from in society , comes from masses of society. Modern USA slang developing trend is to clearly understand , to exactly be since the person is popular concisely , tactful slang import is strengthening unceasingly in ceaseless field reduction , universality , becomes the essential masses language part gradually. It is just because that ceaselessness that people knows to slang is deepened by,society's ceaselessness progress and opens to the outside world, therefore we believe that modern USA slang has life-force and a bright future big and powerful.