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"We" is a diary novel, through the first-person description of the heroine to see the general view. First chapters of the novel is no doubt giving funny and incredible feel to readers, the main character is the spacecraft designers"No. points" , he is one stuff of OurGame country ,in his view this country is a better world, all very harmonious, no disorderl"barbaric" and one like him has no individual name, only one code left that is D-503. These people are completely loyalty and OurGame States are similar to succumb to the "1984" of "Big Brother" as the "omnipotent person." D-503 in it, he can not imagine that numerous humanbeings are "still living in the free state (that is not subject to the management of the original state of ignorance) that occurred during those incredible things.", Can not imagine "no compulsory walking, no exact time requirements of eating! people can actually get up at any time and go to bed as they like. even let the sexy slide or drift, all the things are the same as animals, completely anti-science!. " Here, D-503 life of the world has gradually emerged, no doubt, this is a totalitarian society, it has many anti-utopian novel describes the inherent characteristics of a totalitarian society, such as control of the Government's thinking on the people of the extreme military life management, and the utilitarian nature of life management. 而在聯眾國中,人們甚至沒有了最基本的“個性”――姓名,他們被壹個個代號所標示,而具有象征意義的是,書中被聯眾國賦予歷史性重大使命的飛船被命名為“積分號”,就這樣,通過壹系列的手段,壹個個本來可以充滿個性的個體被當作零件壹般標號,成為壹個龐大社會壹小部分,而這些部分又被“積分”成壹個整體,成為為整體服務的“部分”,具體的個體,即壹個個“我”就這樣消解於籠統的“我們”中,成為極權制度下的悲劇性群眾。 In OurGame countries, not even the most basic autonomy - the name, they were marked by a code, and have a symbolic meaning, OurGame major historic mission entrusted by the spacecraft named as the "No. points" in the book, In this way, through a series of means, one should have been full of personality as the individual components of society has become a small fraction of a huge community, which was part of "points" as a whole to become the overall service for the "some" specific individual, that is a "me" on this resolution in general "we" become a totalitarian system of the tragic mass.


顯然,如果本書只是簡單的敘述壹個極權社會的景象,那麽這只是本讓人開懷大笑的喜劇故事,而黑色幽默往往要在讓人在荒誕中發現殘酷的真實,所以紮米亞京開始慢慢引入悲劇元素。 Obviously, if the book simply describes the scene of a totalitarian society, then this is only the people laugh comedy story, and often black humor in the absurd to make people found the cruel truth, it began Zamyatin slowly introducing elements of tragedy. 顯然,愛情是可以營造悲劇效果的絕佳因素,於是,I-330號出現在故事中。 Obviously, love is the effect of creating a great factor in the tragedy, so, I-330 where they appear in the story. 在本書中I-330號不但是壹個令D-503心動的女人,更是壹個具有象征意義的人物。 In this book, No. I-330 is not only a heart to make the D-503 women, it is a symbolic figure. I-330壹出場就給人以不同壹般之感,首先,D-503已經給人壹種可悲的感覺,而在他眼中的,I-330是個與眾不同的人,甚至是個荒唐的人,正是這點讓讀者對這個新出現的女人有了興趣。 I-330 gives a different appearance on the general sense of, first of all, D-503 has given people a feeling of sad, and in his eyes, I-330 is a unique person, and even people is absurd, It is this point so that readers of this woman has been emerging interest. 而男女起初見面的不解與鄙夷往往會演變成戲劇化的愛情,I-330便這樣對眼中這個不同女人產生了愛意,這個女人充滿個性,而且顯得神通廣大,總之她的壹言壹行都顯得與眾不同,甚至與聯眾國倡導的價值觀不符。 At first the men and women to meet with the scorn often puzzling dramatic turn into love, I-330 would be so different to the eyes of this woman had a love, this woman is full of personality, but the majority of it is magical, her words are short sets us apart, even with the values advocated by OurGame States does not. 是的,I-330便是壹個異端的角色,壹個追求自由的異端角色。 Yes, I-330 is a heresy, the role of the heresy of a role in the pursuit of freedom. 當D-503開始擁抱與I-330的愛情時,也就開始擁抱自由,壹種與他長期的價值觀背離的生活方式。 When the D-503 began to embrace and love the I-330 when it began to embrace freedom, a departure from his long-standing values of life. 我想,或許我們可以這樣看,D-503中的D是否就可以看作Dependence,而I-330中的I是否可以看作Independence,壹個人是需要依賴壹個龐大極權象征的“我們”生存的個體,壹個人是可以獨立於所謂的“我們”的真正的“我”。 I would like to, perhaps we can look at it this way, D-503 of D can be seen as whether Dependence, and the I-330 if I can be seen as Independence, a person need to rely on a huge symbol of totalitarianism "we" the survival of individual, a person can be independent of the so-called "we" the real "me." 而獨立的I-330不但要自身獨立,而且是壹個抵抗組織的壹員,她試圖勸說壹個在本書中起初看來很忠貞的聯眾國價值觀信徒配合他們的膽大妄為的革命。 And independent of the I-330 not only to their own independence, but also a resistance of 1, she tried to persuade a book at first seems to be loyal followers OurGame country with values of the revolution in their bold and reckless. 在書中,“綠墻”是壹個隔離了極權世界與自由世界的象征,就如很多人後來給予柏林墻的象征意義,當強勢壹方無法徹底摧毀異端時,將之隔離到另壹個世界便成為壹種節省成本的手段,而I們正試圖從綠墻外突破到綠墻裏,或者墻裏墻外本身就是相對的概念,事實上是I們試圖將千萬個D們從自由世界的墻外拉進來。 In the book, "Green Wall" is a separation of the totalitarian world and a symbol of the free world, as many of them were later given the symbolic significance of the Berlin Wall, when the strong party can not be completely destroyed heresy, it will be another world of isolation to become a cost-saving means, and I are trying to break from the green wall to the green wall, the wall or the wall itself is a relative concept, in fact, I have tried to D 10 million from the free world outside the wall come la.