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fail---[VN] to DISAPPOINT sb; to be unable to help when needed: When he lost his job, he felt he had failed his family. ◆ She tried to be brave, but her courage failed her. ◆ (figurative) Words fail me (= I cannot express how I feel).

牛津雙解詞典上的例句:Words fail me, ie I cannot find words (to describe my feelings, etc). 我無法用言語來表達(自己的感情等).

可以看出,fail是to be unable to help when needed,用在這裏是沒問題的。意思是說,他的好脾氣總是對他有幫助的(當然了也可以翻譯成:從來不讓他失望)。


to make sb feel sad because sth that they hope for or expect to happen does not happen or is not as good as they hoped: [VN] Her decision to cancel the concert is bound to disappoint her fans. ◆ I hate to disappoint you, but I'm just not interested. ◆ The movie had disappointed her (= it wasn't as good as she had expected).

可以看出:disapoint是指not as good as one had expected,如果用了disapoint就是說,正到用的時候脾氣不好了,用不上了,使他失望。這與前面的內容顯然是矛盾的。

妳認為回答的怎麽樣呢? 僅僅系統給的20分,我壹般不會這樣回答的。呵呵,妳會給我追加分嗎?