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1 在過去的幾十年裏,美國和澳大利亞的政府通過懲罰寄宿在學校的說本地話的孩子來迫使本地人放棄母語。

2. Many indigenous communities have in their native tongues vast repositories of knowledge about medicinal herbs, information that could provide clues to modern cures.


3. The Living Tongues Institute recruits youth who are not fluent in their traditional tongue to become “language activists,” using digital equipment to document their elders’ voices and learn the language themselves.

Living Tongues(活語言)協會要求不能流利得講自己原來的語言的青少年成為“language activists(語言積極分子)”,用數碼道具錄下他們長輩的聲音來自學母語。

4. The power behind the throne is a line of attack political opponents are only too keen to deploy, as Hillary Clinton discovered.

就像Hillary Clinton所發現的,王室背後的力量是壹群政治反對者,這股力量對部署(這裏要聯系上下文)太過於熱衷。

5. When Tony returned to the No.10 flat after a long day immersed in the detail of government policy, the last thing that he needed was a further round of political discussion with me.


6. In the last election they barely had a candidate after Mike Huckabee dropped out and, some would say, not much of one before that.

在上次的選舉中,Mike Huckabee被開除後在他們勇敢的去競選候補,並且有些人會說,在這之前這沒什麽了不起的。

7. Perhaps more than any one thing, the resounding courtroom defeat that they suffered in December 2005 in the conservative district of Dover, Pa…, where the “intelligent design” plaintiffs were all but accused of fraud by a Republican judge, has placed them on the defensive.


8. Thus, even if the Texas board had defiantly voted to declare evolution to be questionable and debatable, its decision could still have spelled the end of a movement rather than the revival of one.

另外,甚至TEXAS BOARD 也已經大膽的贊成宣布革命是值得質疑的並且值得爭論的,它的決定可能仍然意味著運動的終結而不是復活。

9. There are days when I almost wish the fundamentalists could get their own way, just so that they would find out what would happen to them.


10. The meeting certainly produced more than the usual photo ops and spin— and its participants did not go away yelling at one another as they have in the past.

這次會議確確實實產生了比以往更多的前景和方針(ploto ops and spin我猜的意思,對不起- -)——並且會員們也都沒有爭吵著離開。

媽嗎吖,累死我了。。 要加分哦~~ (*^__^*) 嘻嘻……