當前位置:成語大全網 - 成語詞典 - 簡單的四字成語及翻譯成英語怎麽說


1. 英語的四字成語

keep somebody at arm's length, 形影不離

be on one's back, 臥病在床

make somebody's blood boil, 熱血沸騰

Keep one's shirt on, 忍辱負重

Shout something from the rooftops , 登高而呼

Be all ears, 洗耳恭聽

out of the blue, 猝不及防

at sixes and sevens, 亂七八糟

A bolt from the blue 晴天霹靂

love you love your dog 愛屋及烏

a bad apple, 金玉其外,敗絮其中

It rains dogs and cats.傾盆大雨

Fish in trouble water.混水摸魚

Teach fish to swim.班門弄斧

Beat the dog before the lion.殺雞敬猴

2. 簡單壹詞用英語怎麽說



詞典1. (不復雜) simple; unplicated; plain; simplicity: 構造簡單 simple in structure; 頭腦簡單 simple-minded; seeing things too simply; 學習簡單明了地講話 learn to speak plain; 壹項簡單的工作 a straightforward job; 事情沒那麽簡單。 There is more to it.

2. (平凡, 多用否定式) monplace; ordinary: 不簡單 not simple; fairly plicated; remarkable; 她的槍法那麽好, 真不簡單。 She's marvel to be able to shoot with such accuracy.

3. (草率; 不細致) oversimplified; casual: 簡單從事 do things in a casual [perfunctory] way; 簡單地看問題 take a naive view; oversimplify a problem; 不能用簡單的方法去解決這個問題。 This matter cannot be settled in a summary fashion. 這篇文章我只是簡單地看了看。 I only skimmed through this article.

◇簡單多數 simple majority; 簡單方法 straightforward procedure; 簡單結構 simple structure; 簡單商品經濟 simple modity economy; 簡單事件 simple event; 簡單條件 simple condition; 簡單條件表達式 simple conditional expression; 簡單協作 simple coordination; 簡單語句 simple statement; 簡單運動 simple motion; 簡單再生產 simple reproduction; steady reproduction