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人[rén] [ 國標碼:C8CB 部首:人 筆畫:2 筆順:34 ] man person people 相關解釋: gazabo homme human guy persona soul wight a piece of goods Adamite booking agent fellow being creature human being body homo 例句: 想過舒適的生活不過是普通人的本性。 It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 他在戰爭中的英勇人所***見。 His valour in the war was seen by everybody. 我丈夫是壹個善良的人。 My husband is a kind person. 海詞廣告: 學外語,交外國真朋友 足不出戶英語學習之旅 Dict.CN 在線詞典 更多解釋句酷雙語例句 人 The character"人"is made up of two strokes. “人”字兩半身像。 -- 漢英 - 翻譯參考 The idea of one,human family under the sun (天下壹家人) is a nice little proverb, but it has serious implications for implementation in a global village. “天下壹家人”是壹句不錯的小小諺語,但它卻有實現地球村的嚴肅含義。 -- 漢英 - 翻譯參考 HONG Kong actor Louis Koo(古天樂) has become the latest spokesperson(代言人) for Pepsi. 香港演員古天樂最近成為百事公司新壹任代言人。 -- www.chinaedubbs.cn "Consignee" means the person entitled to take the delivery of the goods. “收貨人”是指有權提取貨物的人。 -- 英漢 - 辭典例句 E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial 外星人 -- 英漢 - 辭典例句 The promoter(促進者、發起人) promptly(敏捷、迅速) made a quotation(應用語、價格、報價單、行情表) for the remote(遙控/操作) control motors(發動機). 發起人立刻制了壹份遙控馬達的報價單。