(壹) 漫畫:As is vividly depicted in the picture ~描述 ~and it is absolutely obvious that~描述~The picture want to convey to us is that~寓意~
(二) 議論:This decade has witnessed a controversial issue ,making a heated debate among people .Most people claim that~~ .For my part ,I find myself in complete agreement with the idea that ~~ 這十年目睹了壹個有爭論的被人們熱議的問題,很多人聲稱~~,就我個人而言,我完全投以的觀點是~~
(三)The chart above reflects that ~描繪~and it is conspicuous(顯著地)that ~描述
~what the chart intend to convey to us is that~點明圖表中心~
① Actually, sth be of critical (essential importance)to sth and ?consequently+結論?
或?since+原因?,specifically speaking ,what I intend(想要) to stress here is that ~~~.Even more significant , another aspect 或merit或demerit或problem或factor of this issue或phenomenon is that~~~. Despite the fact that~~~, it is advisable for sb to do sth
② judging from the evidence(證據) and reasons offered ,we might safely draw the conclusion that. Meanwhile we should be clear that(自己的做法) ,but one thing we have to notice is that(學校社會)
③ very : considerably ?enormously ?distinct?important : vital ?significant ?crucial more and more :gradually claim :express because :in that
隨著2010年11月《普通高等學校招生全國統壹考試》﹙江蘇卷說明﹚的出臺,我們發現了與以往任何壹年的考試說明所不同的是,今年提供了兩篇書面表達樣文。壹篇為2009年江蘇高考英語書面表達,即表格加插圖談鼠標的利弊,另壹篇為漫畫作文。﹙附樣題2﹚ 示例2
2.解意。在理解和闡釋漫畫含義時要關註三點:(1)確定作者的基本態度,是屬於誇張褒揚還是屬於批評諷喻;(2)運用 想象力 ,合理的把漫畫所描述的現象和實際生活相聯系;
3.謀篇。英語漫畫類作文在行文時往往分為三個部分:(1)describe the picture; (2) interpret the picture; (3) give your opinions. 這樣的結構可以使 文章 邏輯清晰,脈絡分明。同時,這三個部分都有壹些套語可以使用,熟記這些套語可以幫助學生明顯提高文章的檔次。如:
(1)sentence patterns used to describe the picture:
1.The picture is talking about/shows?
2.The picture shows a common phenomenon.
3.The picture describes an interesting phenomenon.
4.In the picture, there are?/?is (are) doing?
5.The picture above is about ?
6.?Let?s look at the picture above/first.
(2)sentence patterns used to interpret the picture:
1.It seems very ridiculous that?However, this kind of story is performed everywhere.
2.The picture shows that?It is the exact reflection of?
3.The picture indicate that we?Nowadays, it is a common phenomenon that?
4.This is a satirical (諷刺的) cartoon which describes vividly a kind of common phenomenon among?
(3)sentence patterns used to give your opinions:
1. I think/believe that ?
2. As far as I?m concerned, ?
3. In my opinion, ?
4. From my point of view,
五、 總結
Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay to
1)describe the drawing,
2)deduce the purpose of the painter of the drawing, and
3)suggest counter-measures.
You should write about 160?200 words neatly ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)
[參考 範文 ](205 words) 觀棋不語也是壹種文明禮貌的體現
As is vividly betrayed in the drawing above, the people who are watching the chess game are reluctant to openly express their opinions about what is right and what is wrong though they can tell the right from the wrong. The drawing is really thought-provoking.
The aim of the painter of the drawing is to reveal the fact that people in modern society are losing the courage to openly support what is right and condemn what is wrong due to their personal interests. The theft case in the bus is a case in point. Most often, nobody is brave enough to stop the thief. Sometimes the person who stops the thief in the bus is seriously injured by the thief with all the passengers doing nothing to help on the spot. It is quite common that some victims dare not admit that their properties are stolen. Such cases are increasing and threatening our society.
Counter-measures should be taken to avoid the cases mentioned above. To begin with, we must launch a campaign to popularize the world outlook of sticking to what is right and condemning what is wrong. What?s more, we must establish relevant laws to award those who support what is right and punish those who avoid and escape weak when they are facing the wrong.