Unluckily he is who does not like his work.不幸的是,他並不是喜歡自己工作的人。
Unfortunately you know a lot of bad music, from my point of view, gets into the charts. 不幸的是,妳知道,很多依我看挺差勁的歌曲擠進了每周流行唱片選目。
Unfortunately, my car broke down and I was stuck here while it was being repaired. 不幸的是,我的車壞了,在修車的時候,我就被困在那裏了。
Sadly, what should have been a very minor incident ended in disaster. 不幸的是,本是件很小的事故最後卻成了壹場災難。
Some people unluckily achieve suicide when they only meant to attempt it. 不幸的是,壹些人本來只是為了嘗試壹下自殺,卻真的自殺成功了。
Unluckily for him the fraud officers were watching this flight too. 對他來說,不幸的是,那些欺詐的官員也在觀看這次飛行。
Business success is regrettably not about fairness but about making a profit. 不幸的是,商業成功不講公道只講賺錢。
Human beings regrettably are not omnipotent. 不幸的是,這些作者沒能提供系統的證據來佐證他們的觀點。