20th century 50's US is pursues material principle ten years. Thegreatly bleak time and the World War II period US commodity isdeficient, causes the postwar American people to the material cargopursue into life essential target, postwar US from the automobile toclothes, from the social behavior to politics, everywhere all isdemonstrating "the identity"; Furthermore, the majority of women onlyhad a choice at that time: Such description lets the person tremblewith fear. New female want to work which from 20th century 230 agesindependences, at a loss is gripping the apron housewife to thepostwar year in. As a 50's typical woman, even if has the universitydiploma, the life still is take the housework and the child as thecenter. She prepares food, washes clothes, the sewing and mending. Atthe same time, she also must tow, go to the market to buy thevegetable as well as attains husband's coverall dry cleans the shop.