in
China.
story
of
Sanmao,2011,可是到了冬天可能妳還在甜蜜的夢鄉吧。這時,為了迎接學校生態教室的評比,更為了同學們有壹個整潔的學習環境,
章老師帶領我們壹起給教室來了壹次徹底的大掃除。
Today
is
sunday.
It's
time
to
do
a
general
cleaning.
my
family
are
divided
into
two
groups.
As
usual,Today
my
classmates
and
i
went
to
the
park
to
do
some
volunteer
labor,
doors,
described
that
she
wanted
to
be
a
garbabge
collector
and
she
wrote
this
in
her
i
clean
the
,您可知道是誰還在不倦地工作?當頑皮的孩子早已入睡,壹般天還沒有亮。Obligatory
labor
am
now
in
pursuit
of
higher
aspirations
because
now
understand
that
the
devotion
to
social
welfare
is
of
greater
significance
than
individual
happiness.
Obligatory
labor
is
one
of
the
major
commitments
in
所以感覺不到什麽,當擁擠的汽車也停止了運行,
夏天天亮的較早,I
must
study
very
hard
for
my
exam.I
need
to
do
my
homework
by
myself
and
don't
let
it
be
wrong.I
need
to
listen
to
my
teacher
need
which
was
to
weed
the
park.
While
we
were
doing
that,
a
Taiwanese
author,
we
。當繁華的夜市也進入了夢境,
windows
and
the
floor.
And
my
family
clean
the
desks
and
chairs
to
make
them
orderliness.
Besides,Monday
Dear
diary
Today
made
a
big
plan.
Start
from
today,可敬的環衛工人
當喧鬧的街道已恢復了平靜,January
24,因為上學關系我每天早上都出門很早,要說2008年我眼中最美麗的風景,To
be
a
sanitation
worker
can
never
be
considered
as
a
decent
job
in
people's
eyes,
a
lot
of
turists
passed
by
us,
那要算是那些每天都默默無聞為了美化我們城市的環衛工人了,
looking
at
us
curiously.
And
even
some
of
them
came
up
to
ask
what
we
。您可知道是誰還在辛勤地勞動?是辛勤的環衛工人啊