lf you like to keep lively 如果妳想要保持活力
lf you hate being to bored 如果妳討厭無聊
just come down to our house 就來我們的家吧
and konck on the door . 叩響我們的門
lt's the noisiest house 這是全鎮中最喧雜的家
in the whole of town
there are doors always slamming 那些門總是砰然關上
and tings falling down. 伴隨著叮當的墜響
there 's my dad ,who keeps shouting 這裏有我怒喊的爸爸
and my mum ,who breaks tings 這裏有我亂摔東西的媽媽
the baby (who's bite you!) 還有壹個小嬰兒,它會咬妳
and our dog running rings. 我們的狗也會帶著鈴鐺跑來追妳
there's my sister the screamer 這裏有我妹妹的尖叫
and my brother who roars 這裏有我哥哥的怒號
and a grandpa who's stone deaf 還有我的聾子爺爺
(he's the one who slams doors).他會砰的壹下子關上大門
so come down to our house, 來我們家做客吧
you don't need the address, 妳不需要地址
you'll hear it ten miles away, 妳在十公裏外就可以聽到它
and the outside's a mess.聽到它外面眾多的噪雜
you won't mind the racket,妳不會介意它的喧鬧
you'll just love the din- 妳會愛上它的噪雜
for there never a dull momene 因為這永遠不會有呆滯的時刻
in the house we live in!在我們所居住的房子裏
Tony bradman 高貴的bradman