馬可·波羅 1254年出生於威尼斯。他是中世紀訪問亞洲的第壹個西方人。他的父親——尼可羅·波羅和他的叔叔是很富有的商人,經常到東方的各地區旅行。他們訪問了中國,而且和忽必烈可汗,大蒙古皇帝成為了朋友。而且只是在他們從中國回到意大利之後,15歲的馬可才第壹次見到他的父親。
Marco decided to join them for their next trip. It took them more than three years to travel the 9,000 miles to Shangdu, capital of the Mongol Empire. The great Khan gave them a fine welcome and they stayed in a huge marble place. Soon the young Marco became a great favorite of the Emperor and was one of his most trusted friends. Marco quickly learned the language and customs of the Chinese because he traveled around and talked to many people.
After nearly 17 years in the East, Marco and his father prepared to return home. Not long after Marco came home, the Genoese caught him during a battle at sea. While he was a prisoner he met a writer called Rustichello who wrote down the long story that Marco told him about his travels.
He did not make any more journeys after the publication of his books, but he had a place in history-he was the first European ever to travel to the East and to return with a story to tell.