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1. 到燈塔去英文介紹

Plot summary [edit] Part I: The Window The novel is set in the Ramsays' summer home in the Hebrides, on the Isle of Skye. The section begins with Mrs Ramsay assuring James that they should be able to visit the lighthouse on the next day. This prediction is denied by Mr Ramsay, who voices his certainty that the weather will not be clear, an opinion that forces a certain tension between Mr and Mrs Ramsay, and also between Mr Ramsay and James. This particular incident is referred to on various occasions throughout the chapter, especially in the context of Mr and Mrs Ramsay's relationship.The Ramsays have been joined at the house by a number of friends and colleagues, one of them being Lily Briscoe who begins the novel as a young, uncertain painter attempting a portrayal of Mrs. Ramsay and her son James. Briscoe finds herself plagued by doubts throughout the novel, doubts largely fed by the statements of Charles Tansley, another guest, claiming that women can neither paint nor write. Tansley himself is an admirer of Mr Ramsay and his philosophical treatises.The section closes with a large dinner party. Mr Ramsay nearly snaps at Augustus Carmichael, a visiting poet, when the latter asks for a second serving of soup. Mrs Ramsay, who is striving for the perfect dinner party is herself out of sorts when Paul Rayley and Minta Doyle, two acquaintances whom she has brought together in engagement, arrive late to dinner, as Minta lost her grandmother's brooch on the beach.[edit] Part II: Time Passes The second section is employed by the author to give a sense of time passing. Woolf explained the purpose of this section, writing that it was 'an interesting experiment [that gave] the sense of ten years passing.'[1]. This section's role in linking the two dominant parts of the story was also expressed in Woolf's notes for the novel, where above a drawing of an "H" shape she wrote 'two blocks joined by a corridor.'[2] During this period Britain begins and finishes fighting World War I. In addition, the reader is informed as to the fates of a number of characters introduced in the first part of the novel: Mrs Ramsay passes away, Prue dies from complications of childbirth, and Andrew is killed in the war. Mr Ramsay is left adrift without his wife to praise and comfort him during his bouts of mortal fear and his anguish over doubts regarding his self worth.[edit] Part III: The Lighthouse In the final section, “The Lighthouse,” some of the remaining Ramsays return to their summer home ten years after the events of Part I, as Mr Ramsay finally plans on taking the long-delayed trip to the lighthouse with his son James and daughter Cam(illa). The trip almost doesn't happen, as the children hadn't been ready, but they eventually take off. En route, the children give their father the silent treatment for forcing them to come along. James keeps the sailing boat steady, and rather than receiving the harsh words he has come to expect from his father, he hears praise, providing a rare moment of empathy between father and son; Cam's attitude towards her father has changed as well.They are being accompanied by the sailor Macalister and his son, who catches fish during the trip. The son cuts a piece of flesh from a fish he has caught to use for bait, throwing the injured fish back into the sea.While they set sail for the lighthouse, Lily attempts to complete her long-unfinished painting. She reconsiders Mrs Ramsay's memory, grateful for her help in pushing Lily to continue with her art, yet at the same time struggling to free herself from the tacit control Mrs Ramsay had over other aspects of her life. Upon finishing the painting and seeing that it satisfies her, she realizes that the execution of her vision is more important to her than the idea of leaving some sort of legacy in her work – a lesson Mr Ramsay has yet to learn.。

2. 各位高手誰有《到燈塔去》的讀後感










而對於伍爾芙,我想說的就是——沒有人比她更女人。英:To the lighthouse "content : a brief introduction to the lighthouse is a war ramzy after the family and few close friends in a scottish islands for a long life. the author tried to in this story is very simple in the novel discuss the meaning of life and nature, pointed out to be passed on from time to hand it does not matter to death threats from the earth. the lighthouse flashes of which is the symbol of ramzy the souls of the light. this book write Write a note, such as the perspective of transformation, two hours, symbols, using music, painting, etc.To the lighthouse from the friends, distinguished : it is the author dedicating novel. to the lighthouse, the centre of clues ramzy the family and few visitors in the first world war and fragment of life experiences ramsay's youngest son james want to go to the lighthouse, but owing to bad weather and unsatisfied. when war broke out, ramsey a preferred. after the war, with a pair of "three-good" and take a boat out to sea, at last The lighthouse. and sit in the occupied nevertheless ramzy arrive in a lighthouse, in momentary feeling, the central committee dropped a pen and mapped out for his vision and something beyond themselves and become a real artist. there is no 起伏跌宕 the content of the three parts, in turn for the time passes the lighthouse.The main characters later, its practical activities is limited to the novel. the first half of a series of description, in the author's own mother for a living, and mrs three-good, the author's shadow. in addition, the author to achieve the most beautiful breece lily family. surface, lily's a language, the main line Novel. the first half of a series of description, in the author's own mother for a living, and mrs three-good, the author's shadow. in addition, the author to achieve the most beautiful breece lily family. surface, lily's a language, its main activities is mainly for people, but the characters in a reasonably active ideological activities, the author himself a prototype of the people and the structure of the novel for the potential for a clue to be lisa and complex level, the characters in the world, and outside it ; ramsey a experience is the first level, "lisa by the art of life '. the second level is the story of the novel is out in a novel." To the lighthouse , strike at the net from : in the preface of book, the editor wrote, read novels, more any literature will like the white paper was as dull and tedious to read carefully. therefore, not to have a profound and abstract, the daily life and a there is psychological process of linguistic life, if this is novel, it is not high, it is difficult to understand.。

3. 關於伍爾芙《到燈塔去》







……莉麗這個人物既在這部小說世界之中,又在它之外;拉姆齊壹家的經歷是第壹層次的故事,莉麗所體現的‘藝術—生命’主要是第二層次的故事,是包裹在小說外面的又壹部小說。” _______________________ 在弗吉尼亞·伍爾夫的代表作《到燈塔去》中,作者通過莉麗·布裏斯科對女性氣質從拋卻到認可再到超越的心路歷程,揭示了女藝術家在男性占主導的社會中為實現自己的理想所經歷的艱難和困惑,以及女性主義的真諦。







……莉麗這個人物既在這部小說世界之中,又在它之外;拉姆齊壹家的經歷是第壹層次的故事,莉麗所體現的‘藝術—生命’主要是第二層次的故事,是包裹在小說外面的又壹部小說。”小說第壹部分臨近結尾處,拉姆齊夫人——到第二部她就死了——的壹段內心獨白,可能更其重要…… 伯·布萊克斯東在《弗吉尼亞·吳爾夫:壹篇評論》中說:“閱讀了《燈塔》之後再來閱讀任何壹本普通的小說,會使妳覺得自己是離開了白天的光芒而投身到木偶和紙板做成的世界中去。”




這句話說來簡單,實行並不容易。我們要 想與伍爾芙壹類作家達成***鳴,卻又只能這樣。






4. 關於伍爾芙《到燈塔去》







……莉麗這個人物既在這部小說世界之中,又在它之外;拉姆齊壹家的經歷是第壹層次的故事,莉麗所體現的‘藝術—生命’主要是第二層次的故事,是包裹在小說外面的又壹部小說。” _______________________ 在弗吉尼亞·伍爾夫的代表作《到燈塔去》中,作者通過莉麗·布裏斯科對女性氣質從拋卻到認可再到超越的心路歷程,揭示了女藝術家在男性占主導的社會中為實現自己的理想所經歷的艱難和困惑,以及女性主義的真諦。







……莉麗這個人物既在這部小說世界之中,又在它之外;拉姆齊壹家的經歷是第壹層次的故事,莉麗所體現的‘藝術—生命’主要是第二層次的故事,是包裹在小說外面的又壹部小說。”小說第壹部分臨近結尾處,拉姆齊夫人——到第二部她就死了——的壹段內心獨白,可能更其重要…… 伯·布萊克斯東在《弗吉尼亞·吳爾夫:壹篇評論》中說:“閱讀了《燈塔》之後再來閱讀任何壹本普通的小說,會使妳覺得自己是離開了白天的光芒而投身到木偶和紙板做成的世界中去。”




這句話說來簡單,實行並不容易。我們要 想與伍爾芙壹類作家達成***鳴,卻又只能這樣。




