當前位置:成語大全網 - 愛國詩句 - 表姐啊,這個Accuse not nature.she hath done her part;Do thou but thine什麽意思。是個名句

表姐啊,這個Accuse not nature.she hath done her part;Do thou but thine什麽意思。是個名句


即Accuse not nature. she has done her part;Do you but yours.按現代語法說不通但不影響理解。

Accuse not nature即Do not accuse nature




To whom the Angel with contracted brow. [ 560 ]

Accuse not Nature, she hath don her part;

Do thou but thine, and be not diffident

Of Wisdom, she deserts thee not, if thou

Dismiss not her, when most thou needst her nigh,

By attributing overmuch to things [ 565 ]

Less excellent, as thou thy self perceavst.

For what admirst thou, what transports thee so,

An outside? fair no doubt, and worthy well

Thy cherishing, thy honouring, and thy love,

Not thy subjection: weigh with her thy self; [ 570 ]

Then value: Oft times nothing profits more

Then self esteem, grounded on just and right

Well managd; of that skill the more thou knowst,

The more she will acknowledge thee her Head,

And to realities yield all her shows: [ 575 ]

Made so adorn for thy delight the more,

So awful, that with honour thou maist love

Thy mate, who sees when thou art seen least wise.

But if the sense of touch whereby mankind

Is propagated seem such dear delight [ 580 ]

Beyond all other, think the same voutsaft

To Cattel and each Beast; which would not be

To them made common and divulgd, if aught

Therein enjoyd were worthy to subdue

The Soule of Man, or passion in him move. [ 585 ]

What higher in her societie thou findst

Attractive, human, rational, love still;

In loving thou dost well, in passion not,

Wherein true Love consists not; love refines

The thoughts, and heart enlarges, hath his seat [ 590 ]

In Reason, and is judicious, is the scale

By which to heavnly Love thou maist ascend,

Not sunk in carnal pleasure, for which cause

Among the Beasts no Mate for thee was found.

To whom thus half abasht Adam replid. [ 595 ]