All dreams are worth pursuing. They can be small or big; realistic or farfetched; easy or challenging. Any person can pursue his dreams as well. He could be rich or poor; young or old; black or white. There is no acceptable reason for a person to not pursue his or her dreams. Every person should pursue his every dream regardless of the chance of failure.
I am currently pursuing my dream of being the number one seed on the Fleming Island High School Girls’ Varsity Tennis Team. I started playing tennis when I was in the third grade and fell in love with the sport. When I started playing tennis I told my dad, “Dad, someday I will be number one.” I am now a senior in high school and this is my last opportunity to be number one. I have been chasing my dream of being number one for nine years and I know that there is a chance that I will not be number one this year, but I still continue to work hard every single day to fulfill my dream.
It is natural for people to be afraid of failure, but failure should not impede a person’s desire to pursue dreams. Everybody has dreams and I believe that everybody should strive to fulfill those dreams. Walt Disney said, “All of our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them,” and I could not think of a better way to express my belief.