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英語作文 揮灑青春,追求理想 300字

Henry David Thoreau once said, “If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with success unexpected in common hours.” I believe that a person should pursue his dreams even if he is uncertain as to whether his dreams are going to come true or not. Many of the world’s most successful people gained their success by pursuing their dreams, knowing that there was a likely chance that their dreams might not come true. For example, numerous people felt that Walt Disney’s first theme park, Disneyland, would be a failure and that nobody in his right mind would want to go there, but Walt decided to pursue his dream anyways and build Disneyland, which ended up being a major success. If Walt Disney would have given up and stopped creating Disneyland because he was afraid it would not be a success, the world would never know “The happiest place on Earth.”

All dreams are worth pursuing. They can be small or big; realistic or farfetched; easy or challenging. Any person can pursue his dreams as well. He could be rich or poor; young or old; black or white. There is no acceptable reason for a person to not pursue his or her dreams. Every person should pursue his every dream regardless of the chance of failure.

I am currently pursuing my dream of being the number one seed on the Fleming Island High School Girls’ Varsity Tennis Team. I started playing tennis when I was in the third grade and fell in love with the sport. When I started playing tennis I told my dad, “Dad, someday I will be number one.” I am now a senior in high school and this is my last opportunity to be number one. I have been chasing my dream of being number one for nine years and I know that there is a chance that I will not be number one this year, but I still continue to work hard every single day to fulfill my dream.

It is natural for people to be afraid of failure, but failure should not impede a person’s desire to pursue dreams. Everybody has dreams and I believe that everybody should strive to fulfill those dreams. Walt Disney said, “All of our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them,” and I could not think of a better way to express my belief.
