The
sun
is
rising
gradually
Countless
warmth
Sunflower
twist
its
gentle
body
Facing
the
sun
shyly
opened
The
sun
is
shinning
on
sunflower
The
warm
feeling
is
so
beautiful
The
sun
begin
to
walk
in
the
sky
Sunflower
followed
and
look
toward
the
sun
It
is
late
at
night
Even
waiting
is
so
wonderful
《向日葵花》
文/烈
火
太陽漸漸升起,
千絲萬縷暖意.
葵花扭動柔美軀體,
迎著太陽羞澀地開了.
陽光照在葵花身上,
溫暖的感覺好美.
太陽行空,
葵花目視相隨.
夜深了,
等待也是好美.