And what I assume you shall assume,我所承擔的壹切,妳也必須承擔,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.因為屬於我的每壹個原子,也同樣屬於妳.
I loafe and invite my soul,我閑遊,並邀我的靈魂同往,
My tongue,every atom of my blood,form'd from this soil,this air,我的舌頭,我血液中的每個原子,都由這泥土、這空氣所形成
Born here of parents born here from parents the same,and their parents the same,我生於這裏,我的父母生於這裏,他們的父母也生於這裏,
I,now thirty-seven years old in perfect health begin,我如今三十七歲,在健康良好的狀況下出發,
Hoping to cease not till death.願至死方休.
I lean and loafe at my ease observing a spear of summer grass.我悠閑地俯視壹片夏天的草葉.
Creeds and schools in abeyance,教條和學派先放壹旁,
Retiring back a while sufficed at what they are,but never forgotten,讓他們暫且後退,滿足於現狀,但不被遺忘,
I harbor for good or bad,I permit to speak at every hazard,我心懷善與惡,我要不顧壹切地述說,
Nature without check with original energy.自然那原始的活力,不受任何的阻擾.
Spirituality and Religion in Whitman's Song of MyselfWhile he takes a great deal of material from Christianity, his conception of religion is much more complicated than the beliefs of one or two faiths mixed together. Whitman seems to draw from the many roots of belief to form his own religion, putting himself as the center.
Whitman brings philosophical significance to the most simple objects and actions, reminding America that every sight, sound, taste, and smell can take on spiritual importance to the fully aware and healthy individual. In the first cantos, he says, "I loafe and invite my soul," creating a dualism between matter and spirit. Throughout the rest of the poem though, he continues this pattern. He constantly uses the images of body and spirit together, bringing us to a better understanding of his true conception of spirituality.
There are many "popular" topics used frequently by authors. Love, religion, and war are some favorites. Two other such topics we typically read about are nature and death. The two can be discussed separately or they can be related to each other. Walt Whitman, a lover of nature, tackled these subjects in "Song of Myself" from Leaves of Grass. "Song of Myself" is a celebration of life and God. Whitman loved everything imaginable about nature. He loved people, animals, and himself. Throughout this extensive poem, Whitman mentions "red" people (Indians), "Negroes", butchers, women, the poor and the rich. He believed that all are good in some way or another and all people are equal.
Walt Whitman’s “Song of Myself” is, on the most basic descriptive level, a really long poem. Whitman is clearly a poet with a lot to say, or at least with a lot of different ways to say it. He meanders from the micro to the macro, from atoms to the whole earth.
自由詩(Free Verse):現代詩中常見的體式,長短不同的詩行存在於同壹首詩中,不講究押韻與格律,只註重詩歌所表達的意象和傳遞的情感.Walt Whitman的Leaves of Grass中,就采用此格式.