Throughout most of his career, Iron Man has been a member of the superhero team the Avengers and has been featured in several incarnations of his own various comic book series. He has been adapted into several animated TV shows, as well as the 2008 film Iron Man starring Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark. Forbes has ranked Iron Man among the wealthiest fictional characters on their annual ranking.[1] BusinessWeek has also ranked Iron Man as one of the top ten most intelligent fictional characters in American comics.[2]
鋼鐵人(Iron Man),本名安東尼愛得華「東尼」史塔克(Anthony Edward 「Tony」 Stark)是壹位在驚奇漫畫世界中的虛構漫畫超級英雄。鐵甲人由史丹李(Stan Lee),賴瑞理柏(Larry Lieber),唐赫克(Don Heck)與捷克科比(Jack Kirby)***同創造。鐵甲人首次出現於《懸疑故事》(Tales of Suspense)第39期(1963年三月)。
Iron Man's premiere was a collaboration among editor and story-plotter Stan Lee, scripter Larry Lieber, story-artist Don Heck, and Jack Kirby. In 1963, Lee had been toying with the idea of a businessman superhero.[3] He set out to make the new character a rich, glamorous ladies' man, but one with a secret that would plague and torment him as well.[4] Lee based this playboy's personality on Howard Hughes,[5] explaining, "Howard Hughes was one of the most colorful men of our time. He was an inventor, an adventurer, a multi-billionaire, a ladies' man and finally a nutcase";[6] While Lee intended to write the story himself, he eventually handed the premier issue over to Lieber, who fleshed out the story.[4] The art, meanwhile, was split between Kirby and Heck. "He designed the costume", Heck said of Kirby, "because he was doing the cover. The covers were always done first. But I created the look of the characters, like Tony Stark and his secretary Pepper Potts".[5] [7]
Iron Man first appeared in 13- to 18-page stories in Tales of Suspense, which featured anthology science fiction and supernatural stories. The character's original costume was a bulky grey armor, which later turned golden in his second story (issue #40, April 1963), and then redesigned again as a sleeker red-and-golden armor starting in issue #48 (Dec. 1963), drawn by Steve Ditko. In his premiere, Iron Man was an anti-communist hero, defeating various Vietnamese agents; Lee later regretted this early focus.[3][8] Throughout the character’s comic book series, technological advancement and national defense were constant themes for Iron Man, but later issues developed Stark into a more complex and vulnerable character as they depicted his battle with alcoholism and other personal difficulties.
From issue #59 (Nov. 1964) to its final issue #99 (March 1968), the anthological science-fiction backup stories in Tales of Suspense were replaced by a feature starring the superhero Captain America. After issue #99 (March 1968), the book's title was changed to Captain America. Iron Man stories moved to the title Iron Man and Sub-Mariner in April 1968, before the "Golden Avenger"[9] made his solo debut with The Invincible Iron Man #1 (May 1968).
Writers have updated the war in which Stark is injured. In the original 1963 story, it was Vietnam. Later, in the 1990s, it was updated to be the first Gulf War,[10] and then updated again to be Afghanistan. However, his time with the Asian scientist Yin Sen is consistent through nearly all incarnations of the Iron Man origin, depicting Stark and Yin Sen building the original armor together. One exception is the direct-to-DVD animated feature film The Invincible Iron Man, in which the first armor Stark uses is not the first Iron Man suit
鋼鐵人是由數位作者的合作產生的,包括編輯兼編劇史丹李,編輯賴瑞理柏,負責繪制早期鋼鐵人故事的畫家唐赫克,以及設計第壹套鋼鐵人盔甲並繪制首次亮相的封面底稿的捷克科比。赫克設計出湯尼史塔克與其秘書小辣椒波茲(Pepper Potts)的面容。史丹李參照霍華德修斯設計出史塔克的個性,他解釋說“ 霍華德修斯是我們這個時代中最多采多姿的人物之壹。他是位發明家,冒險家,百萬富豪,花花公子,還是個瘋子。”
鋼鐵人初期的故事多為13頁但有時18頁的冒險故事,《懸疑故事》的其他篇幅則多為短偏的科幻與靈異故事。首次出現的鐵甲人身穿笨重的灰色裝甲,在第二篇故事中(第40期,1963年四月)鋼鐵人的裝甲被重新設計成外觀類似但顏色為金色的版本,而鋼鐵人現在為人熟悉的金色與紅色的流線型裝甲出現在第48期(1963年十二月),由史提夫迪特可(Steve Ditko)所繪制(但究竟是他或是捷克科比,單獨或合作設計出此版本的鋼鐵人則仍不詳)。
自59期(1964年十壹月)開始,鋼鐵人與美國隊長分別領銜於改版為壹書兩故事形態的《懸疑故事》漫畫。《懸疑故事》最後壹期(第99期,1968年三月)出版後,該漫畫改名為《美國隊長》;鋼鐵人則出現於單篇漫畫《鋼鐵人與深海人》(Iron Man and Sub-Mariner)第壹期中,隨即首次出現於專屬於自己的漫畫《所向無敵的鋼鐵人》(The Invincible Iron Man)第壹期。