當前位置:成語大全網 - 愛國詩句 - 關於紅酒英文的詩句


1. 求贊美紅酒的英文詩或法文詩

1、A quiet nobility, a refined temperament, light sniff, elegant and noble intoxication. 壹份靜謐的高貴,壹種脫俗的氣質,輕聞淺嗅,典雅高貴心醉。

2、In the Saxe Castle in the Loire Valley, you can feel the intense aroma of red fruits with Balzac. 盧瓦爾河谷薩榭城堡裏,同巴爾紮克壹起感受紅果的辛烈香味。 3、The charm of red wine lies in its enchantment. No one can resist being drunk without being drunk. 紅酒的魅力,在於令人心醉。

無法抵擋,酒不醉人人自醉。 4、A kind of spiritual blending, a silk of refreshing comfort, light sucking taste, nostalgia through intoxication. 壹種心靈的交融,壹絲沁心的舒暢,輕吮淺嘗,留戀通透沈醉。

5、Tasting wine is a kind of enjoyment, but also a kind of edification, like enjoying sunbathing with music. 品酒是壹種享受,也是壹種熏陶,猶如享受著帶音樂的日光浴。 。

2. 關於酒的詩詞 英文的

將進酒李白君不見, 黃河之水天上來, 奔流到海不復回。

君不見, 高堂明鏡悲白發, 朝如青絲暮成雪。人生得意須盡歡, 莫使金樽空對月,天生我材必有用, 千金散盡還復來。

烹羊宰牛且為樂, 會須壹飲三百杯。岑夫子! 丹丘生!將進酒; 君莫停。

與君歌壹曲, 請君為我側耳聽。鐘鼓饌玉不足貴, 但願長醉不願醒。

古來聖賢皆寂寞, 惟有飲者留其名。陳王昔時宴平樂, 鬥酒十千恣歡謔。

主人何為言少錢, 徑須沽取對君酌。五花馬, 千金裘。

呼兒將出換美酒, 與爾同消萬古愁。BRINGING IN THE WINELi BaiSee how the Yellow River's waters move out of heaven.Entering the ocean, never to return.See how lovely locks in bright mirrors in high chambers,Though silken-black at morning, have changed by night to snow。

.Oh, let a man of spirit venture where he pleasesAnd never tip his golden cup empty toward the moon!Since heaven gave the talent, let it be employed!Spin a thousand pieces of silver, all of them come back!Cook a sheep, kill a cow, whet the appetite,And make me, of three hundred bowls, one long drink!。To the old master, Cen,And the young scholar, Danqiu,Bring in the wine!Let your cups never rest!Let me sing you a song!Let your ears attend!What are bell and drum, rare dishes and treasure?Let me be forever drunk and never come to reason!Sober men of olden days and sages are forgotten,And only the great drinkers are famous for all time。

.Prince Chen paid at a banquet in the Palace of PerfectionTen thousand coins for a cask of wine, with many a laugh and quip.Why say, my host, that your money is gone?Go and buy wine and we'll drink it together!My flower-dappled horse,My furs worth a thousand,Hand them to the boy to exchange for good wine,And we'll drown away the woes of ten thousand generations!。

3. 求贊美紅酒的英語

《I taste a liquor never brewed》《 我將壹杯從未釀造的酒品嘗 》

I taste a liquor never brewed,我用精美的珍珠酒杯,

From tankards scooped in pearl; 將壹杯從未釀造的酒品嘗;

Not all the vats upon the Rhine 縱然萊茵河畔所有的酒桶,

Yield such an alcohol!也未盛過如此美味瓊漿.

Inebriate of air am I,我在空氣中沈醉,

And debauchee of dew,我在露珠間放蕩;

Reeling, through endless summer days,如洗的天空,看見我從酒吧踉蹌而出,

From inns of molten blue.在無盡的夏日中徜徉.

When landlords turn the drunken bee,當房東哄走了喝醉的蜜蜂,

Out of the foxglove's door,留下了指頂花獨守閨房;

When butterflies renounce their drams,當蝴蝶不再啜飲,

I shall but drink the more!我仍將繼續我的品嘗.

Till seraphs swing their snowy hats,直到天使們揮舞雪白的帽子,

And saints to windows run,直到聖人們撲向了街窗;

To see the little tippler,來看這小小的酗酒者,

Leaning against the sun! 醉倚著殘陽。

4. 關於葡萄 葡萄酒的外國詩歌有哪些 急求

葡萄酒之歌 在荷馬的青銅杯裏閃爍著妳名字的光芒, 黑色的葡萄酒啊,妳使人心花怒放。

千百年來,妳在人們手上傳去傳回 從希臘人的獸頭觴到日耳曼人的羊角杯。 開天辟地以來,妳久已存在, 把力量和神威奉獻給壹代壹代。

妳與日夜交替的光陰壹齊流淌, 朋友和快樂為妳歡呼、鼓掌。 在神秘的激情洋溢的詩詞的字裏行間, 妳是玫瑰花、紅寶石和小巧玲瓏的短劍。

在妳的勒忒河裏,讓別人痛飲傷心的忘懷; 我卻要尋求***同分享的節日的歡快。 在漆黑、誘惑和仙影拳中間 我要用“芝麻”打開長夜漫漫。

“相互愛戀”或“血紅的搏鬥”的美酒啊, 有時我將這樣稱呼妳。但願這不是歪曲。

Wine And Joy by Fyodor Sologub Wine and joy are completely forgotten, As well as his armor and sword. Alone he descends in the rotten Mysterious dungeon. The door Is squeaking with long drawn sound For no one has entered inside. The dark and the damp reign around. The window is narrow and high. His eyes grow accustomed to the gloom and Through the dust and the web he explores Some strange marks, emerging and looming On the floor, on the vaults, on the walls. He gazes at the marks' interlacement At those incomprehensible signs And tarries for Death to embrace him To enlighten his soul and eyes. NEW WINE the veil of morning is lifted day rushes in。 the wing-sing of midnight finished at first light spent。

image-bewildered surreal, lace-covered dawn my love songs continue with birds to accompany we sing sweetly, illusioned of an unfathomable mystery lost with the night leaving me wandering, waiting desiring。 the sublime longing of wonder the day is new wine of infinite variety - T. H. Keyes。

5. 求壹篇關於紅酒的英語文章,500詞左右,初中以下程度

Health Benefits of Red Wines: One to Two Glasses a DayPlato may have been wiser than he knew when he said, "Nothing more excellent or valuable than wine was ever granted by the Gods to man." Those of us who have come to enjoy the variety and tastes that wine have to offer can now look to red wines for greater health benefits. Recent studies show that drinking one glass of red wine each day may have certain health benefits. Research indicates that moderate red wine consumption may help protect against certain cancers and heart disease, and can have a positive effect on cholesterol levels and blood pressure.The compounds found in red wine that are responsible for its healing powers are antioxidants. Red wines contain several antioxidants beneficial to good health. Different antioxidants have different functions, but the key feature of all these antioxidants appears to be one of protection and prevention of disease。

6. 詩歌《酒》英文版英語詩歌《酒》

蘇軾的《水調歌頭 明月幾時有》明月幾時有把酒問青天。


水調歌頭 作者: 蘇軾 丙辰中秋,歡飲達旦,大醉,作此篇,兼懷子由。 明月幾時有把酒問青天。


不應有恨,何事長向別時圓人有悲歡離合,月有陰晴圓缺,此事古難全李白的《宣州謝眺樓餞別校書叔雲》棄我去者昨日之日不可留,亂我心者今日之日多煩擾, 長風萬裏送秋雁,對此可以酣高樓。 蓬萊文章建安骨,中間小謝又清發。

俱懷逸興壯思飛,欲上青天攬明月。 抽刀斷水水更流,舉杯消愁愁更愁。



7. 外國人怎樣贊美紅酒要有名的詩句~~~~~~~·


8. 葡萄酒用英文表示,有多少種

Dry red wine:幹紅葡萄酒

Semi-dry wine:半幹葡萄酒

Dry white wine:幹白葡萄酒

Rose wine:桃紅葡萄酒

Sweet wine:甜型葡萄酒

Semi-sweet wine:半甜葡萄酒

Still wine:靜止葡萄酒

Sparkling wine:起泡葡萄酒


Brut wine:天然葡萄酒

Carbonated wine:加氣起泡葡萄酒

Appetizer wine( Aperitif):開胃葡萄酒

Table wine:佐餐葡萄酒

Dessert wine:餐後葡萄酒



Wine Cooler:清爽酒



Fruit brandy:水果白蘭地

Pomace Brandy:果渣白蘭地

Grape brandy:葡萄白蘭地








Cognac(France) :科尼亞克白蘭地(法)

Armagnac(France) :阿馬尼亞克白蘭地(法)

Sherry(Spain) :雪莉酒(西班牙)

Port(Portuguese) :波特酒(葡萄牙)
