1?On Ascending the Stork Tower Translated by Jake Holman
The white sun sinks behind the mountains,
The Yellow River flows into the sea.
To widen your view by a thousand miles,
Just Climb another flight of stairs.
2?On the Stork Tower Translated by Xu Yuanchong
The sun beyond the monition bows,
The Yellow River seawards flows.
You can enjoy a grander sight,
If you climb to a greater height.
2.江雪 柳宗元
1?River Snow Translated by Witter Bynner
A hundred mountains and no bird,
A thousand paths without a footprint.
A little boat, bamboo cloak,
An old man fishing in cold river snow.
2?Fishing in Snow Translated by Xu Yuanchong
From hill to hill no bird in flight,
From path to path no man in sight.
A lonely fisherman afloat,
Is fishing snow in lonely boat.
3?Stream and Snow Translated by Zhao Zhentao
Over any hills no birds are seen,
In any paths no footprints show.
Ona boat old man in cloak and hat,
Angles alone in stream and snow.
3.望廬山瀑布 李白
1?Cataract on Mount Lu Translated by Xu Yuanchong
The sunlit Censer Peak exhales incense like cloud;
Like an upended stream the cataract sounds loud.
Its torrent dashes down three thousand feet from high;
As if the Silver River fell from the blue sky.
2?Cataract on Mount Lu Translated by Wu Xinjian
Purple mists rise from the Censer Peak in sunlight;
Viewed from afar, the waterfall hangs like a screen.
It rushes down over three thousand feet in height,
As if the Milky Way fell from the empyrean.
4.望天門山 李白
1?Mount Heaven's Gate Viewed from Afar Translated by Xu Yuanchong
Breaking Mount Heaven's Gate, the great River rolls through;
Green billows eastward flow and here turn to the north.
From both sides of the River thrust out the cliffs blue;
Leaving the sun behind, a lonely sail comes forth.
2?Watching Mount Tianmen Translated by Anonymous
Mount Tianmen is split by the Chu River,
Here the eastward azure currents flow back.
The green hills on either bank run into my view,
A lonely sailing boat looms beyond the horizon.
5.山居秋暝 王維
1?Autumn Evening in My Mountain Abode Translated by Wang Baotong
Blank hills look pure as a recent rain refines,
As dusk is falling autumn is felt in the bones.
A silvery moon is shining through the pines,
The limpid brooks are gurgling over the stones.
Bamboos laugh out as girls from washing whirl,
The lotus stirs where boats out fishing curl.
The scents of spring may go; that's Nature's will.
This season here attracts the noble still.
2?Autumn Evening in the Mountains Translated by Xu Yuanchong
After fresh rain in mountains bare,
Autumn permeates evening air.
Among pine-trees bright moonbeams peer,
Over crystal stones flows water clear.
Bamboos whisper of ?washer-maids,
Lotus stir when fishing boat wades.
Though fragrant spring may pass away,
Still here's the place for you to stay.
6.絕句 杜甫
1?Heptasyllabic Quatrain Translated by Chu Manhua
Two yellow orioles were singing in the green willow,
One line of white egrets were flying over the blue sky.
West-Ridge heavy snow was swallowed by my window,
Ease-Wu myriad ships sailed to pass my door nearby.
2?Heptasyllabic Quatrain Translated by Kiang Kang-hu
Two golden orioles sing amid the willows green;
A row of white ?egrets fly into the blue sky.
From my windows the snow-crowned western hills are seen,
Beyond the door the east-bound ships at anchor lie.
7.鳥鳴澗 王維
1?Bird Singing Stream Translated by Wai-lim Yip
Man at leisure, cassia flowers fall,
Quiet night, spring mountain is empty.
Moon rises, starling a mountain bird,
It sings at times in the spring stream.
2?The Dale of Spring Birds Translated by Xu Yuanchong
Sweet laurel blooms fall enjoyed,
Vague hills dissolve into night void.
The moonrise startles birds to sing,
Their twitter fills the dale with spring.
8.山行 杜牧
1?To the Autumn Hill Translated by Zhu Manhua
Climbing the cold hill afar on a rocky way,
I see white clouds rising from the family.
I stopped my cart to look at the late maple,
Whose leaves redder than flowers in vernal.
2?Mountain Trip Translated by Hui
A stone path winds uphill in the autumn mountain,
A cottage is dimly visible where the white clouds rise.
Stopping my coach for loving the maple woods at sunset,
Autumn maple leaves redder than the February flowers.
9.楓橋夜泊 張繼
1?Anchored at Night by the Maple Bridge Translated by Tsai Tingkan
The moon is setting, rooks disturb the frosty air,
I watch by maple bans the fishing-torches flare.
Outside the Suzhou wall, from Hanshan Temple's bell,
I hear its sound aboard and feel its midnight spell.
2?Mooring by the Maple Bridge at Night Translated by Xu Yuanchong
At moonset cry the crows, streaking the frosty sky,
Dimly lit fishing boats' neath maples sadly lie.
Beyond the city walls, from Temple of Cold Hill,
Bells break the ship-borne roamer's dream and midnight still.
3?Night Moor at Maple Bridge Translated by Huang Yunte
Moon set, crows caw, frost fills the sky,
River maples, fishing fires, drowsing in sorrow.
Outside Gusu City, the Cold Mountain Temple,
At the middle night bell, arrives the visitors' boat.
10. 宿建德江 孟浩然
1?Mooring on the River at Jiande Translated by Xu Yuanchong
My boat is moored near an isle in mist grey,
I'm grieved anew to see the parting day.
On boundless plain trees seem to touch the sky,
In water clear the moon appears so nigh.
2?Lodge at Jiande River Translated by Haiwai Yishi
Moving the boat to moor at the misty shoal,
As sun's setting, the tourist has new sorrows.
With fields so vast, the sky seems as low as trees,
With river so clear, the moon looks to me so close.
3?Passing the Night on a River in Jiande Translated by Paul W. Kroll
I guide my boat to mooring by a misty islet,
With the setting sun, a traveler's sorrows revive.
The wilds so vast, the sky stoops to the trees,
The river so clear, the moon closes to man.
11.滁州西澗 韋應物
1?West Creek at Chuzhou Translated by Burton Watson
These I love, hidden plants that grow by the river's edge;
Above, yellow warblers in the deep trees singing.
Spring tides robed in rain, swifter by evening;
The ferry landing deserted where a boat swings by itself.
2?On the West Stream at Chuzhou Translated by Xu Yuanchong
Alone, I like the riverside where green grass grows,
And golden orioles sing amid the leafy trees.
When showers fall at dust, the river overflows,
A lonely boat athwart the ferry floats at ease.
12.望洞庭 劉禹錫
1?Lake Dongting Viewed from afar Translated by Xu Yuanchong
The autumn moon dissolves in soft light of the lake,
Unruffled surface like unpolished mirror bright.
Afar, the isle amid water clear without a break,
Looks like a spiral shell in a plate silver white.
2?Looking at the Dongting Lake Translated by Zhao Yanchun
The lake light and autumn moon fairly sheen,
No wind on the pool, the mirror's coarsely made.
Afar, Dongting's hills and waters looks green,
Upon the silver plate a dark snail's laid.
13.山中 王勃
1?In Hills Translated by Guo Zhuzhang
Long stay by the Yangtze River,
Thousand of miles away from home.
Yellow leaves in late autumn wind,
Fall and float in hills, make me sad.
2?On the Hill Translated by Wan Feng
Great River sadly lets me stay,
I long to return home far away!
Wind in late autumn blows high,
From hill to hill yellow leave fly.
3?On the Mountains Translated by Du Sen & Chen Yujun
The Yangtze River detained me in a deep sorrow,
Ten thousand li away, thinking of returning.
But strong autumn winds blow again,
The yellow leaves fall on the mountains.
14.竹裏館 王維
1?Bamboo Mile Lodge Translated by Burton Watson
Alone I sit in dark bamboo,
Strumming the lute, whistling away.
Deep woods that no one knows,
Where a bright moon comes to shine on me.
2?The Bamboo Lodge Translated by Weng Xianliang
Sitting alone among secluded bamboos,
I whistle long and loud and play the lute.
No one knows where I am, deep in this grove,
Only the moon comes shining on ?me knowingly.
3?Bamboo-midst Cottage Translated by David Hinton
Sitting alone in silent bamboo dark,
I play a ch'in settle into breath chants.
In these forest depths no one knows,
This moon come bathing me in light.
15.鹿柴 王維
1?Lu Zhai Translated by Wan Changsheng & Wang Jianzhong
No man in the mountains appears in sight,
Only voices come to my ears from somewhere.
Into the forest deep steal rays of sunlight,
And silently alight on the green mosses there.
2?The Deer Enclosure Translated by Yang Xianyi
Empty the hills, no man in sight,
Yet voices echo here.
Deep inside the woods slanting sunlight,
Fall on the jade-green moss.
3?Deer Enclosure Translated by Xu Yuanchong
In pathless hills no man's in sight,
But I hear echoing sound.
In gloomy forest peeps no light,
But sunbeams slant on mossy ground.
16.蘭溪棹歌 戴叔倫
1?A Fisherman's Song on Lanxi Stream Translated by Guo Zhuzhang
A cool, brow-shaped moon's hung on the tops of the bend willows,
The landscape of hills mirrored in the stream is clearly seen.
As a result of three days' spring drizzles on Lanxi streams.
2?The Boatman's Song on the Lanxi Stream Translated by Witter Bynner
The cold moon above the willowy stream resembles a brow in shape,
As in a mirror is seen Yue's mountainous landscape.
For three days on the Lan fall rains of the blooming peaches,
And the carps at midnight gaily jump onto the beaches.
17.春夜喜雨 杜甫
1?Happy Rain on a Spring Night Translated by Xu Yuanchong
Good rain knows its time right,
It will fall when comes spring.
With wind it steals in night,
Mute, it moistens each thing.
Over wild lanes dark cloud spreads,
In boat a lantern loos.
Dawn sees saturated reds,
The town's heavy with blooms.
2?Rain in Spring Night Translated by Gerling
The rain knows the time,
Knows it is spring and punctually comes.
With the wind it came quietly at night,
Came softly and silently to moisten all and helped them grow.
I walked down the wild road under the dark cloud,
And saw the only light from the boat.
In the morning I looked into the Jing city where it was red and wet,
And found flowers booming everywhere.
18.江南春 杜牧
1?Spring Comes to Jiangnan Translated by Gong Jinghao
Red against green, and a huge troupe of warblers singing;
Hillside, riverside hamlets, with blue flags fluttering...
The Southern Dynasties had four hundred eighty Buddhist temples;
How many towers and terraces are wrapped in misty drizzles?
2?Spring on the Southern Shore Translated by Xu Yuanchong
Orioles sing for miles mid red blooms and green trees,
On lakeside and hillside wine shop flags wave in the breeze.
Four hundred eighty splendid temples still remain,
Of Southern Dynasties in the mist and the rain.
19.憶江南 白居易
1?Dreaming of the Southern Shore Translated by Xu Yuanchong
Fair Southern Shore,
Withe scenes I adore.
At sunrise riverside flowers redder than fire,?
In spring green waves grow as blue as sapphire.
Which I can not but admire.
2?Recalling Jiangnan Translated by Rewi Alley
How deeply I appreciated,
The beauties of Jiangnan.
The flowers blooming on the river banks at sunrise red as fire.
The river waters darker than indigo,
How can I ever forget Jiangnan?
20.暮江吟 白居易
1?Sunset over the River Translated by Rewi Alley
A beam of the setting sun turns
Half the river dark green and the other half red.
On the lovely third night of the ninth moon
The pearly dew, the bow-shaped moon.
2?Ode to the Twilight River Translated by Huang Xinqu
The water is overspread with a sunset glow,
Thus half of it is emerald and half red.
Who loves the eve of the ninth month?
The dew pearls, the moon shines like a bow.
21.相思 王維
1?Fond Memories Translated by Wu Juntao
Red beans come from the Southern land,?
In Spring the trees grow some new wands.
Please pluck more of the seed with your hands,
To show your love to friends it's grand.
2?Love Seeds Translated by Xu Yuanchong
Love seeds grow in southern land,
In Spring they overload the trees.
Gather them till full is your hand,
They would revive fond of memories.
3?Font Memories Translated by Xu Zhongjie
Love peas are grown in a Southern climate,
A few branches burgeon in Spring time.
On your lip, try to gather as many as you can,
The best reminder of love between woman and man.
22.詠柳 賀知章