當前位置:成語大全網 - 愛國詩句 - 請問各位,想問有咩詩歌是講”歷代誌”的呢?


想不起有那些詩歌直接與歷代誌有關。但上帝耶和華壹向在舊約中出現,包括歷代誌,所以可否用壹些與耶和華神有關的詩歌呢? ******** 耶和華是愛[粵語] (Source : christitudy/data/hymns/text/c0349) 耶和華是愛,讓我安身青草溪水邊, 神令我省察心中的幽暗,***同渡每壹天。 耶和華是愛,在困境中他保守引牽, 神為我擺設豐足的恩惠,在危難也不會變。 在世間主恩與***,他的愛存在常無盡, 神為我施恩惠,保守勉勵,***同渡此世。 耶和華是愛,讓我安身青草溪水邊, 無限滿足快樂湧於心裏,在危難也不會變。 耶和華是我牧者 (Source : christitudy/data/hymns/text/c1959) 耶和華是我牧者,我必不致缺乏。 使我躺臥青草地,在安歇的水邊。 他使我靈魂蘇醒,引我走正義路。 我雖過死蔭幽谷,也必不怕遭害。 1. 在我敵人面前,為我擺脫筵席,   妳用油膏我的頭,使我福杯滿溢。   壹生壹世有恩惠,有慈愛跟隨我,   我要住在妳殿中,直到永永遠遠。 2. 嘿嘿喲,嘿嘿喲,主妳與我同在,   妳的枚和妳的竿,時時都安慰我。   嘿嘿喲,嘿嘿喲,有慈愛跟隨我,   我要住在妳殿中,直到永永遠遠。 [ Lord

You Are My Shepherd ] Lord

You are my shepherd; I shall not be in want. I lie down in green pasture

beside the still waters. You restore me and lead me in path of righteousness. Even in the Death Valley

I fear no evil. 1. You prepare a table before my enemies.   You anoint my head with oil

my cup will overflow.   Surely love and mercy

be with me all my days.   I will dwell in the house of God

for all of my days. 2. Hey Hey Yo

Hey Hey Yo


You are here with me.   You guide me and fort me

with Your own rod and staff.   Hey Hey Yo

Hey Hey Yo


You are here with me.   I will dwell in the house of God

for all of my days.