當前位置:成語大全網 - 英語詞典 - be surprised 後常跟什麽介詞

be surprised 後常跟什麽介詞

be surprised at 對…感到驚奇;使…感到意外;對……很吃驚


Thisshouldgowithout saying, butyou’d be surprised at how ditching just onelesson can mean the difference between a so-so musicianand a goodmusician.

這需做而不說。 但妳也許會驚訝,壹節課居然體現出在普通的音樂家和傑出的音樂家之間如此大的差別。

If a camelis a horsedesignedby a committee, thenweoughtnot to be surprised at the unsatisfactory shape ofregulationsdesignedby aglobalnetwork of committees.
