The gauging of dielectric constants in microwave dielectric materials has stirred up more and more attention because of its closely related connection with the aerospace industry, innovative material development, satellite remote-sensing and microwave communications; and similar attention is also focused on the development and application of microwave technology.
本文介紹了微波諧振腔的基本原理、微波諧振腔基本指標,具體闡述了矩形微波諧振腔結構、最基本的模式矩形諧振腔 模和 模的場結構,以及微波諧振腔微擾理論和具體的腔內介質微擾,從而整理出介電常數測量的壹般理論即微波諧振腔微擾法測量介電常數的理論方法。表明這種非接觸式測量理論具有操作相對簡單、所需樣品量少、計算精度高、應用範圍廣,尤其適合於低損耗介質介電常數的計算。
This article explains the basic principles and essential index of microwave cavity resonator and specifically describes the structure of rectangular shaped microwave cavity resonator, and the most basic mode and mode field structures, as well as the perturbation theory of microwave cavity resonator and the specific dielectric perturbation in its cavity, so as to sort out a general theory for the gauging of dielectric constants, in other words, a theoretical methodology for gauging dielectric constants by applying the microwave cavity resonator perturbation method. This article indicates that this non-contact mode gauging theory has the advantages of simple operation, fewer sample requirements, high precision calculations and wide application scope, particularly suitable for the calculation of dielectric constants of low loss dielectric.