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Temple of Heaven是什麽意思

Temple of Heaven





廟,寺; 耶路撒冷古神殿; [猶太教] 猶太教聚會; 太陽穴;

They fanned out and carefully combed the temple grounds.





天堂; 天; 上帝; 極樂;

I believed that when I died I would go to heaven and see God.



. 元宵節: Lantern Festival 2. 刺繡:embroidery 3. 重陽節:Double-Ninth Festival 4. 清明節:Tomb sweeping day 5. 剪紙:Paper Cutting 6. 書法:Calligraphy 7. 對聯:(Spring Festival) Couplets 8. 象形文字:Pictograms/Pictographic Characters 9. 人才流動:Brain Drain/Brain Flow 10. 四合院:Siheyuan/Quadrangle 11. 戰國:Warring States 12. 風水:Fengshui/Geomantic Omen 13. 鐵飯碗:Iron Bowl 14. 函授部:The Correspondence Department 15. 集體舞:Group Dance 16. 黃土高原:Loess Plateau 17. 紅白喜事:Weddings and Funerals 18. 中秋節:Mid-Autumn Day 19. 結婚證:Marriage Certificate 20. 儒家文化:Confucian Culture 21. 附屬學校:Affiliated school 22. 古裝片:Costume Drama 23. 武打片:Chinese Swordplay Movie 24. 元宵:Tangyuan/Sweet Rice Dumpling (Soup) 25. 壹國兩制:One Country, Two Systems 26. 火鍋:Hot Pot 27. 四人幫:Gang of Four 28. 《詩經》:The Book of Songs 29. 素質教育:Essential-qualities-oriented Education 30. 《史記》:Historical Records/Records of the Grand Historian 31. 大躍進:Great Leap Forward (Movement) 32. 《西遊記》:The Journey to the West 33. 除夕:Chinese New Year’s Eve/Eve of the Spring Festival 34. 針灸:Acupuncture 35. 唐三彩:Tri-color Pottery of the Tang Dynasty/ The Tang Tri-colored pottery