ugly ['?0?5ɡli]adj.難看的, 醜陋的, 難聽的;有敵意的, 陰險的; 不祥的 英漢雙向大詞典
ugly 英[?0?4?0?5ɡli] 美[?0?4?0?5ɡli]
1.難看的, 醜陋的, 難聽的
2.有敵意的, 陰險的; 不祥的 形容詞 adj.1.難看的, 醜陋的, 難聽的 Don't believe the ugly rumours.不要聽信那些不堪入耳的謠言。2.有敵意的, 陰險的; 不祥的 The situation was getting more ugly.情況變得更惡劣了。Ugly clouds gathered on the horizon.烏雲在地平線上密集。
收起詞典例句在 寫作句庫 或 情景會話 中查找 編輯 指正 同義詞
形容詞 adj.
其他釋義 bad-temperedperversehideousorneryunsightlydisagreeableirritabletestyunkindrepulsiveplainmeangrotesquehardunattractivecrosscrankyunpleasanthomelyquarrelsome 反義詞 形容詞 adj. 醜的,難看的;可怕的 comelybeautiful 暫無詞性 其他釋義 sightlybeautifulprettynicehandsome 派生詞 uglificationuglifyuglilyugliness 語源 Middle English: from Old Norse uggligr 'to be dreaded', from ugga 'to dread' 491233 /page/ ugly 愛詞霸網絡詞典 UGLY 隱藏摘要 醜陋極樂 BLISS 1997
醜陋 UGLY 1997
長島迷情 L.I.E - 基於7個網頁醜陋的TUNEFUL和諧的
UNTROUBLED非混亂的,平靜的 - 基於2個網頁醜曬漂亮BEAUTIFUL
年紀 - 基於1個網頁對該詞條有更好的解釋或指正,歡迎 提交 用法詞典 ugly 來自中古英語uglike<古挪威語uggligr可怕的 WordNet 英英詞典 ugly uglier ugliest Adjectivedispleasing to the senses and morally revolting; "an ugly face"; "ugly furniture"; "war is ugly"(antonym) beautiful(similar) disfigured(see-also) displeasing(attribute) beautydeficient in beauty; "ugly gray slums"(similar) inaesthetic, unaestheticinclined to anger or bad feelings with overtones of menace; "a surly waiter"; "an ugly frame of mind"(synonym) surly(similar) ill-naturedmorally reprehensible; "would do something as despicable as murder"; "ugly crimes"; "the vile development of slavery appalled them"(synonym) despicable, vile, unworthy(similar) evil, wickedthreatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments; "a baleful look"; "forbidding thunderclouds"; "his tone became menacing"; "ominous rumblings of discontent"; "sinister storm clouds"; "a sinister smile"; "his threatening behavior"; "ugly black clouds"; "the situation became ugly"(synonym) baleful, forbidding, menacing, minacious, minatory, ominous, sinister, threatening(similar) alarmingprovoking horror; "an atrocious automobile accident"; "a frightful crime of decapitation"; "an alarming, even horrifying, picture"; "war is beyond all words horrible"- Winston Churchill; "an ugly wound"(synonym) atrocious, frightful, horrifying, horrible(similar) alarming