當前位置:成語大全網 - 英語詞典 - show和suggest的區別 都當顯示講的區別

show和suggest的區別 都當顯示講的區別



/ s?d?est; US s?g?d?-; s?ɡˋd?st/ v

(a) [Tn, Tn.pr, Tf, Tw, Tg, Cn.n/a] ~ sb (for sth); ~ sb/sth (as sth) put sth/sb forward for consideration 提出某事物[某人]供考慮; 提議; 建議: I suggest a tour of the museum. 我提議去參觀博物館. * Whom would you suggest for the job? 妳建議由誰來做這工作? * I wrote suggesting that he should come for the weekend. 我寫信請他來度周末. * Can you suggest how we might tackle the problem? 我們怎樣處理這問題, 妳能給出個主意嗎? * He suggested taking the children to the zoo. 他提議帶孩子們去動物園. * I suggest Paris as a good place for a honeymoon. 我提議去巴黎, 那是度蜜月的好去處. (b) [Dn.pr, Dpr.f, Dpr.w] ~ sth to sb propose sth to sb 向某人提議某事物: What did you suggest to the manager? 妳向經理提了什麼建議? * I suggested to him that we should tackle the problem another way. 我向他建議我們用另壹種方式處理這個問題.

[Tn, Tf, Dn.pr, Dpr.f] ~ sth (to sb) put (an idea, etc) into sb's mind 使某人想到(某事物): Which illness do these symptoms suggest (to you)? 這些癥狀(照妳看來)像是什麼病? * His cool response suggested that he didn't like the idea. 他反應冷淡表明他並不喜歡這個主意.

[Tn, Tf] state (sth) indirectly; imply 間接表明(某事物); 暗示; 意味著: `Are you suggesting that I'm not telling the truth?' `I wouldn't suggest such a thing for a moment.' ‘妳的意思是不是說我沒說實話?’‘我沒有那個意思.’

[Tn, Tn.pr] ~ itself (to sb) come into sb's mind; occur to sb 出現在心頭; 想到: I tried to think what could have happened, but nothing suggested itself. 我盡力回想到底出了什麼事, 但什麼也想不起來. * An idea suggests itself to me. 我想起壹個主意來.

> suggestible / -?bl; -?bl/ adj easily influenced易受影響的: I did many stupid things when I was young and suggestible. 我年輕時受外界的影響做過不少傻事.suggestibility / s?d?est?b?l?t?; US s?g?d?-; s?g?d?st?ˋb?l?t?/ n [U].

suggestive / -?v; -?v/ adj

1 ~ (of sth) putting particular ideas or associations into sb's mind 提示的; 暗示的; 引起聯想的: an aroma suggestive of spring flowers 使人想起春天的花朵的壹種香氣 * a complex, suggestive poem 意蘊很深的、 予人以豐富聯想的詩篇.

2 making sb think of improper things 使人產生邪念()的: He gave her a suggestive glance, and she blushed. 他用挑逗的目光看了她壹眼, 羞得她滿臉通紅. suggestively adv.

show 2

/ ?u; ?o/ v (pt showed, pp shown / ?un; ?on/ or, rarely, 罕讀作 showed)

(a) [Tn, Cn.a, Cn.g, Dn.n, Dn.pr] ~ sb/sth (to sb) cause sb/sth to be seen; display sb/sth 使某人[某物]被看見; 顯示或展示某人[某物]: You must show your ticket at the barrier. 必須在檢票處出示票. * The film is being shown at the local cinema. 本地影院正在上映這部電影. * Her paintings are being shown (ie exhibited) at a gallery in London. 她的畫正在倫敦的壹個美術館裏展出. * The photo shows her dressed in black. 在這張照片裏, 她穿著黑衣服. * In the portrait he is shown lying on a sofa. 在這張畫像中畫著他躺在沙發上. * He showed me his pictures. 他給我看了他的照片. * She has shown them to all her friends. 她把那些東西給她所有的朋友都看過了. (b) [Tn, Tf, Tw] allow (sth) to be seen; reveal 使(某物)被看見; 顯露: A dark suit doesn't show the dirt so much. 黑色的套裝禁臟. * My shoes are showing signs of wear. 我的鞋已經顯得舊了.

[I, Ipr, Ip] be visible or noticeable 看得見; 可察覺出: Your petticoat is showing, Jane. 簡, 妳的襯裙露出來了. * Does the scar still show? 傷疤還看得出來嗎? * His fear showed in his eyes. 他眼裏露出恐懼的目光. * Her laziness showed in her exam results. 她平時懶惰從她的考試成績可以看得出來. * His shirt was so thin that his vest showed through (it). 他的襯衫很薄, 連裏面穿的背心都能看見.

[Tn no passive 不用於被動語態, Dn.n, Dn.w] point (sth) out; indicate 指出(某物); 指示; 告知: The clock shows half past two. 時鐘的針指著兩點半. * Show me which picture you drew. 告訴我哪張是妳畫的.

[Tn no passive 不用於被動語態] (a) ~ itself be visible 呈現; 可看出: His annoyance showed itself in his face. 從他的臉上可以看出他有煩惱. * The sun didn't show itself all day. 壹整天沒出太陽. (b) ~ oneself be present; appear 出席; 出現: He showed himself briefly at the party. 他在聚會上匆匆露了壹面. * The leader rarely shows herself in public. 這位領導她很少在公眾場合露面.

[Tn, Dn.n, Dn.pr] treat (sb) with (kindness, respect, cruelty, etc); give; grant 對(某人)(和藹、 尊敬、 殘忍等); 給; 施予: The king often shows mercy (to prisoners). 這位國王常(對囚犯)大發慈悲. * The priest showed me great understanding. 神父對我非常理解. * They showed nothing but contempt for him. 他們對他輕蔑已極.

[Tn, Cn.a, Cn.n no passive 不用於被動語態] give evidence or proof of being or having (sth) 證明、 證實或表明為或有(某特質): show no signs of intelligence 表現得壹點也不聰明 * a soldier who showed great courage/showed himself to be very brave 表現得非常勇敢的士兵 * She showed herself unable to deal with money. 她做出的事表明她不善理財. * He showed himself (to be) a dishonest rascal. 他的表現證明他是個無賴.

[Tn, Tf, Tw, Tnt, Dn.n, Dn.pr, Dn.f, Dn.w] ~sth (to sb) make sth clear; demonstrate sth; prove sth 使某事物清楚; 闡明或證明某事物: show the falseness of her claims/that her claims are false 證明她的說法不確 * show (him) how to do it/what to do 告訴(他)如何做[做什麼] * His expression shows how unhappy he is. 他的表情說明他非常不愉快. * Her new book shows her to be a first-rate novelist. 她的新書表明她是第壹流的小說家. * They were shown the tragedy of war. 他們了解到了戰爭的悲慘. * She showed her methods of analysis to her pupils. 她向學生展示自己的分析方法.

[Tn.pr, Tn.p] lead or conduct (sb) to the specified place or in the specified direction 引領(某人); 引導; 指引: We were shown into the waiting-room. 把我們帶到了候客室. * Please show this lady out (of the building). 請把這位太太送出去. * The usherette showed us to our seats. 女引座員把我們帶到座位上. * Our trained guides will show you round (the museum). 我們這些訓練有素的導遊來帶妳們參觀(博物館).

[Tn no passive 不用於被動語態] (infml 口) prove one's ability or worth to (sb) 向(某人)證實自己有能力或價值: They think I can't win, but I'll show them. 他們認為我贏不了, 但我要讓他們看看.

(sl 俚 esp US) appear; show up 出現; 露面: I waited for you all morning but you never showed. 我整個上午都在等妳, 但是沒見到妳的影子.

[I] (US) win a place (third or better) in a horse race 賽馬中得名次(前三名).