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Acity is a large town.

e.g. ...thecity of Bologna.


e.g. ...a busycity centre.



1. city

1. 城市大學:近年來,從亨裏學院完成預科課程的學生,有很多進入了英國的壹些著名大學,如:阿斯通大學(ASTON),卡地夫大學(CARDIFF),城市大學(CITY),倫敦大學瑪麗皇後學院(QUEEN MARY'S COLLEGE),伯明翰大學(BIRMINGHAM),艾塞克斯大學(ESSEX),


Beijing is a large city.


I live in the west of the city.


The city is held by the enemy.


He said he preferred country life to city life.


The pressures of city life forced him to move to the country.


The city turned out to welcome back its victorious team.


She works in the City.



用作名詞(n.)This city has everything that one could wish for except good weather.

這座城市裏應有盡有,就是沒有好天氣。I tried to get any kind of job but it seemed that the whole city had closed the door on me.

我想隨便找個工作幹,但整個城市看來都拒不接受我。London, Paris and New York are all large cities.

倫敦、巴黎和紐約都是大城市。The fighting reduced the city to a shambles.

這場戰鬥使這座城市成了壹片廢墟。The Romans founded a great city on the banks of this river.

羅馬人在這河岸上建立了壹座大城市。Do you like to live in a great city?

妳喜歡住在大都市裏嗎?She strayed about in the strange city.

她在這個陌生的城市四處亂逛。The traffic accidents in the city decreased last year.

該城市去年交通事故減少了。Do you know of a really good hotel in this city?

妳知道這個城裏有家真正像樣兒的好旅館嗎?Sister Carrie was bewildered by the crowd and traffic in the city.

嘉莉妹妹被城裏眾多的人群和繁忙交通弄得暈頭轉向。There are many differences between living in a city and living in the country.

住在城裏和住在鄉下有許多差別。We hired a driver to take us on a tour of the city.

我們雇了壹個司機帶我們瀏覽這個城市。A week may be spent in seeing the interesting sights of the city.

參觀這個城市的名勝古跡可能要用壹個星期。The habitants tried to fight against being moved to another city, but it was no use.

居民們試圖抵制移居到另壹座城市去,但無濟於事。To avoid the city centre, turn right here.

如果要避開市中心,請在這裏向右拐彎。Jenny was exhausted by the hustle and bustle of city life.

珍妮被城市生活的忙亂喧囂弄得筋疲力盡。Members of the city council peppered him with questions about the details of his plan.

市議員們對他的計劃的詳情問個不休。I have inquires of the city planners, but they will give me no information about future plans for the area.

我問過城市規劃人員,可是他們不告訴我關於本地區遠景規劃的問題。The city's population prepared to flee heat for the relative cool of the rivers.

該市居民準備逃到天氣較為涼爽的江河流域避暑。Now we supply power to nine-tenths of the city's homes.

現在我們向這個城市十分之九的家庭提供了電力。The city of Beijing was founded 3700 years ago.

北京建城於3700年前。The entire city turned out for the celebration.

全城的人都出來參加慶祝活動。The police searched all over the city.

警察搜查全城。There are rumors in the City that the company is about to be taken over.


用作名詞 (n.)動詞+~adopt a city as one's residence把某城市作為居住地beautify a city美化城市build a city建設城市burn a city燒毀城市defend a city保衛城市destroy a city破壞城市develop a city發展城市dust a city清掃城市expand a city擴建城市found a city建立城市live in the city住在城市manage a city管理城市plan a city規劃城市pollute a city汙染城市run a city管理城市形容詞+~ancient city古代的城市,古城beautiful city美麗的城市central city市中心區chief city主要城市,重鎮free city自由城市friendly city友好城市great city大城市,偉大的城市growing city崛起的城市,發展中的城市inner city內城large city大城市lovable city可愛的城市medium-sized city中等城市old city舊城open city不設防城市overpopulated city人口過剩的城市peaceful city平靜的城市planned city有計劃建設的城市the most populous city人口最多的城市provincial city省轄市sleepy city沈睡的城市tourist city旅遊城市twin citys姊妹城市youthful city年輕的城市,新興城市名詞+~business city商業城市capital city首都coal mine city煤城coast city海濱城市edge city邊緣城市garden city花園城市home city家鄉城市lake city湖畔城市port city港口城市satellite city衛星城市trading city貿易城市~+名詞city article報紙上有關商業財政之消息city council市議會city councilor市議員city desk報館的采訪city edition報紙本地版city hall市政府大廈介詞+~in a city在城裏the poorer quarters of the city城市的貧民區through the city穿過城市~+介詞city of David耶路撒冷city of Light巴黎city of Seven Hills羅馬七、常見錯誤

n.(名詞)杭州是壹個富有吸引力的旅遊城市。誤 Hangzhou is an attractive city of tourism.

正 Hangzhou is an attractive city for tourists.

正 Hangzhou is an attractive tourist city.

析 “旅遊城市”可說tourist city或city for tourists,不可說city of tourism。

我從未到過該市。誤 I've never been to the City.

正 I've never been to the city.

析 the City特指倫敦商業區。




civic、citrus、City CI、citynik、city boy、city mad、citywall、City God、City One、city fog、city map、city law
