/ ?s?r?s; ˋs?r?s/ adj
solemn and thoughtful; not frivolous 嚴肅的; 莊重的; 正經的: a serious person, mind, appearance 嚴肅的人、 心情、 外表 * Her face was serious as she told us the bad news. 她告訴我們這個壞消息時臉色很嚴肅. * He seems very serious, but in fact he has a delightful sense of humour. 他看上去很嚴肅, 其實他十分詼諧. * Please be serious for a minute, this is very important. 請嚴肅點兒, 這事很重要.
[usu attrib 通常作定語] (of books, music, etc) intended to provoke thought; not merely for amusement (指書、 音樂等)啟發思考的, 不僅為消遣的: a serious essay about social problems 關於社會問題的發人深省的文章 * Do you ever read serious works? 妳看不看理論性的著作?
important because of possible danger or risk; grave 嚴重的(可能有危險或風險的); 重大的: a serious illness, mistake, accident 嚴重的疾病、 錯誤、 事故 * a serious decision about giving up a steady job 要放棄壹份穩定工作的重大決定 * That could cause serious injury. 那可能造成重傷. * The international situation is extremely serious. 國際形勢極為嚴峻.
~ (about sb/sth) in earnest; sincere 認真的; 真誠的: a serious suggestion 誠懇的建議 * Are you really serious about him? ie Do you have sincere affection for him? 妳真對他有意嗎? (是否真心愛他?) * Is she serious about learning to be a pilot? 她真想學開飛機嗎?
> seriously adv
1 in a serious way 嚴肅地; 莊重地; 啟發性地; 嚴重地; 認真地: speak seriously to her about it 跟她認真地談談這件事 * seriously ill, injured, etc 病得、 傷得...很重.
2 (infml 口) (used at the beginning of a sentence when turning to a serious matter 用以將話題轉到正經事上, 置於句首): Seriously though, you could really hurt yourself doing that. 說正經的, 妳那樣做可真要自討苦吃了. =>Usage at hopeful 用法見hopeful.
3 (idm 習語) take sb/sth seriously regard sb/sth as important and worth treating with respect 認真對待某人[某事物]: You can't take her promises seriously: she never keeps her word. 她答應的事不必當真, 她從來說話不算數. * I take this threat very seriously. 我認為這種威脅非同小可.
seriousness n [U] 1 state of being serious 嚴肅; 莊重; 嚴重; 認真: the seriousness of his expression 他的表情嚴肅 * the seriousness of the crisis 危機的嚴重性. 2 (idm 習語) in all `seriousness (infml 口) very seriously; not as a joke 極嚴肅、 莊重、 嚴重或認真; 並非玩笑: You can't in all seriousness go out in a hat like that! 妳戴著那種帽子出門不是開玩笑嘛!
se|ri|ous /s'?ri?s/
1 [ADJ]
Serious problems or situations are very bad and cause people to be worried or afraid.
Crime is an increasingly serious problem in Russian society...
The government still face very serious difficulties...
Doctors said his condition was serious but stable.
● seriously [ADV] ADV adj/adv, ADV with v
If this ban was to come in it would seriously damage my business...
They are not thought to be seriously hurt.
● seriousness [N-UNCOUNT] oft N of n
...the seriousness of the crisis.
2 [ADJ]
Serious matters are important and deserve careful and thoughtful consideration.
I regard this as a serious matter...
Don't laugh boy. This is serious.
3 [ADJ] usu ADJ n
When important matters are dealt with in a serious way, they are given careful and thoughtful consideration.
My parents never really faced up to my drug use in any serious way...
It was a question which deserved serious consideration.
● seriously [ADV] ADV with v
The management will have to think seriously about their positions.
4 [ADJ] ADJ n
Serious music or literature requires concentration to understand or appreciate it.
There is no point reviewing a blockbuster as you might review a serious novel.
5 [ADJ] oft ADJ about n
If someone is serious about something, they are sincere about what they are saying, doing, or intending to do.
You really are serious about this, aren't you?...
I hope you're not serious.
● seriously [ADV] ADV adj/adv, ADV with v
Are you seriously jealous of Erica?
● seriousness [N-UNCOUNT] oft N of n
In all seriousness, there is nothing else I can do...
6 [ADJ]
Serious people are thoughtful and quiet, and do not laugh very often.
He's quite a serious person...