1 ADJ 對的;正確的;符合事實的
If something is right, it is correct and agrees with the facts.
That's absolutely right...
Clocks never told the right time...
2 ADJ 合適的;恰當的;準確的
If you do something in the right way or in the right place, you do it as or where it should be done or was planned to be done.
Walking, done in the right way, is a form of aerobic exercise...
They have computerized systems to ensure delivery of the right pizza to the right place...
3 ADJ (地方)為大眾接受的;(人)正派的,體面的
If you say that someone is seen in all the right places or knows all the right people, you mean that they go to places which are socially acceptable or know people who are socially acceptable.
He was always to be seen in the right places...
Through his father, he had met all the right people.
4 ADJ (說法或想法)正確的,對的
If someone is right about something, they are correct in what they say or think about it.
Ron has been right about the result of every General Election but one...
Is that true? Was she right?...
5 N-SING 右邊;右側;右面
The right is one of two opposite directions, sides, or positions. If you are facing north and you turn to the right, you will be facing east. In the word 'to', the 'o' is to the right of the 't'.
Ahead of you on the right will be a lovely garden...
He looks to his left, up at the screen, then to his right.
6 N-PLURAL 權利;權益
Your rights are what you are morally or legally entitled to do or to have.
They don't know their rights...
You must stand up for your rights.
7 N-SING (做某事或擁有某物的)權利
If you have a right to do or to have something, you are morally or legally entitled to do it or to have it.
...a woman's right to choose...
People have the right to read any kind of material they wish.
8 ADV (用於引起註意或表示已經完成壹件事情,接下來可以開始另壹件事情)好的,對
You use right in order to attract someone's attention or to indicate that you have dealt with one thing so you can go on to another.
Right, I'll be back in a minute...
Wonderful. Right, let's go to our next caller.
9 CONVENTION (用於確認所說的話是否正確)對嗎,是嗎,對吧
You can use right to check whether what you have just said is correct.
They have a small plane, right?
So if it's not there now, the killer has it. Right?