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human和human being區別?列句

《英語慣用法大詞典》(中國科學技術出版社,1994,P.973)說:“human”不能做表示“人”的名詞,表示“人”要用human beings。


1.Wolves will not usually attack humans.(FWF)狼平常並不傷害人。

2.If,as has been reported,they have protected humans from sharks,it may have been because curiousity attracted them and because the scent of a possible meal attracted the sharks. (New Concept English,Book 4 P.72) 如果像報導所說的那樣,海豚保護過溺水的人,使之不受鯊魚的傷害,那可能是好奇心吸引了海豚,而那可能是好奇心吸引了海豚,而可能到口的美食香味則吸引了鯊魚。

3.He knew that each human being has a weak and needy part of their soul that can be bought.(不明出處) 他知道每個人都有可以被擊中的弱點。

4.The existence of human beings means their practical living process, and the human being is the "historical human" created by "human's history".
