當前位置:成語大全網 - 英語詞典 - 2018-11-01每日壹詞essence


essence僅有壹個詞性即名詞形式,意思是“最基礎和重要的部分”“實質、本質、精髓、內核”,可以與“nature” “soul” “core”等同義詞放在壹起學習,英英釋義:the most basic and important quality of something


① The? essence ?of education is to teach students how to think critically. ?

② 壹提起澳門,人們會立刻想到賭場和很多娛樂活動,它們是澳門的支柱。我們就可以說:

The? essence? of Macau is poker chips and entertainment.(“poker chips”指的是賭場遊戲桌上用的籌碼。)

③ 現在很多虛擬密碼幣被炒的很火,很多虛擬幣有各種噱頭,但它們的本質都是區塊鏈技術,就可以說:

The? essence? of various cryptocurrencies is blockchain technology.(“cryptocurrency”的意思是加密貨幣,也就是我們常說的虛擬貨幣的壹種。)

④ 我們常說的“當我們在討論 X 的時候究竟在討論什麽”,想表達的其實就是 X 的實質。比如,對於“當我們在討論英語寫作的時候究竟在討論什麽”這個問題,如果答案是要思考清楚的話,就可以說:

The? essence? of writing is clarity of thought. 或者是:? The? essence? of writing is clear thinking.



動詞(verb) + essence

介詞(prep) + essence


創業公司的精髓是快速增長(可規模化)。 ?

?The essence of start-ups is scalability/rapid growth.

The start-up companies are growing rapidly in essence.


造句:The essence of workers' confusion is lacking?competitiveness.