亮
[liàng]
形容詞
1.
(光線強;
明亮)
bright;
light:
light
and
spacious;
敞亮
the
floor
has
been
scrubbed
clean
and
shiny.
地板擦得真亮。
2.
(聲音強;
響亮)
loud
and
clear;
resounding:
loud
and
clear;
sonorous;
洪亮
she
has
a
resonant
voice.
她的嗓子真亮。
3.
(開朗;
清楚)
enlightened;
open
and
clear:
be
sharp-eyed
and
clearheaded;
心明眼亮
i
find
what
you
say
most
enlightening.
妳這壹說,
我心裏頭亮了。
名詞
1.
(燈光;
亮光)
light:
please
move
a
little
further;
you're
standing
in
my
light.
請移開壹些,
妳擋我的亮了。
2.
(姓氏)
a
surname:
liang
fu
亮父
動詞
1.
(發光)
light;
brighten;
shine:
light
the
kerosene
lamp;
亮起煤油燈
he
flashed
the
torch
on
for
a
second.
他把手電筒亮了壹下。
2.
(使聲音響亮)
lift
voice;
resound:
lift
one's
voice
亮起嗓子
3.
(顯露;
顯示)
reveal;
show;
appear;
display:
disclose
one's
plan;
tell
the
whole
thing;
把底兒亮出來
declare
one's
position;
air
one's
view;
亮觀點