the
time
告訴時間
雙語對照
詞典結果:
網絡釋義
1.
從鐘表上讀出時間
2.
報時
3.
看鐘表說出時間
例句:
1.
The
function
of
a
clock
is
to
tell
the
time.
鐘表的功能是報時。
2.
So
sight
even
helps
plants
tell
the
time.
所以,“視覺”也幫助植物分辨時間。
3.
Like
those
who
tell
the
time
from
a
stopped
clock,
the
people
who
predict
that
british
house
prices
will
tumble
will
be
right
one
day.
就像那些從停了的鐘上讀時間的人壹樣,預測英國房價將會下跌的人,總有壹天會說對。