1. =put aside2. 把(某物)放在合適的地方;把(某物)藏在合適的地方;把…收起來;放回原處:例句: Put your toys away in the cupboard when you've finished playing.
把妳的玩具玩完後放進櫃子裏去。3. 儲蓄;儲存…備用:例句: You may just want to put something away for a rainy day.
妳也許想儲存點東西以防萬壹。4. 處理掉;放棄;拋棄;打消:例句: I ask him to put away such a foolish idea.
我請他打消這種愚蠢的想法。5. (船)離開河岸等;(船)開出,劃出:例句: Now the boat began to put away from the shore.
現在小船開始劃離海岸。6. 與(妻子)離婚;休(妻):例句: to put away his wife
休妻,與妻離婚7. 吃完,吃下;喝完,喝下:例句: I don't know how he manages to put it all away!
我真不知道他怎麽吃得這麽多!8. 把…送進監獄(或精神病院),關起來:例句: People like that ought to be put away!
像這樣的人應當關起來。9. [口語]埋葬,葬掉;處死,殺死;殺掉(愛畜)使它免受痛苦:例句: Take the incurably sick dog to the veterinarian and ask him to put it away.
把這條無法醫治的病狗帶到獸醫那裏去,請他把它殺死。10. [俚語]當掉,送進當鋪
put away
1. place in a place where something cannot be removed or someone cannot escape2. throw or cast away3. lock up or confine, in or as in a jail4. stop using5. kill gently, as with an injection6. eat up; usually refers to a considerable quantity of food7. turn away from and put aside, perhaps temporarily
以上來源於: WordNet
例句與用法Put your toys away in the cupboard when you've finished playing.
We should put away our differences and work together for our common goal.