物質; 物體, 實質; 實體
(書或印刷品的)資料; 材料; 內容
理由; 原因; 根源
問題, 事故; [pl.]事態; 麻煩, 毛病
(表示數量)...上下, ...左右
郵件, 郵寄的公文[信件]
刷原稿; 排版
醫膿; 生命體排出物
幻覺意識(基督教科學派信仰療法認為對物質的感覺是虛幻的, 有罪、受苦和將死等意識都是錯覺, 糾正錯覺即可獲得健康)
printed matter
postal matter
decisions of little matter
a matter of ten minutes
matter of urgency
It was a matter of life and death for them.
M-s went rapidly from bad to worse.
The matter in your essay is excellent but the style is deplorable.
妳的文章內容不錯, 但是文體很糟。
M-exists in three states: solid, liquid and gas.
物質以三種狀態存在: 固態、液態和氣態。
a matter of 大約, 大概 ...的問題
a matter of course 當然的事
a matter of opinion 看法不同的問題
as a matter of convenience 為方便起見
as a matter of course 自然, 不用說, 照例
as a matter of fact實際上, 不瞞妳說, 確實, 事實是
as a matter of record 根據所報數據
as a matter of routine 作為例行公事; 按常規
as matters stand [as the matter stands] 照目前的情況
carry matters with a high hand 采取高壓手段; 專橫跋扈
face a [the] matter out 堅持到底, 不讓步; 厚顏無恥地應付過去
for that matter (=for the matter of that) 關於那壹點, 就此而言, 對此, 就那件事而論
in matter of 與...有關
in the matter of 至於; 關於, 在...方面
it is no matter that ... 是無關緊要的
let the matter drop [go, rest] 聽任事情自然發展
make a matter 大驚小怪, 引起壹場風波
make matters [it] worse 更壞的是, 更糟的是
make sth. a matter of conscience 憑良心做某事
matter at issue 爭論點; 正在討論的問題
no laughing matter 不是鬧著玩的事
no matter 不要緊, 沒關系
no matter how [what, when, where, who] 不管怎樣[什麽, 何時, 哪裏, 誰]...
not (to) mince matters 直言不諱地說, 坦率地說
take up a matterwith 和...交涉
the matter有問題, 有毛病
What matter ...? 又有什麽要緊?
what matter if 即使...又何妨
What's the matter? [口]怎麽回事?出了什麽事?
What's the matter with ...? [口]...怎麽啦? ...出了什麽事? ...生了什麽病?