躋身2013年微博十大網絡流行語之壹的“no zuo no die(不作死就不會死)”,近日被錄入美國在線俚語詞典Urban Dictionary(城市詞典).
This phrase is of Chinglish origin. Means if you don't do stupid things, they won't come back and bite you in the ass. (But if you do, they most certainly will.) Zuo /zwo/ is a Chinese character meaning 'act silly or daring (for attention)'
A: Some dude baked cookies shaped like iPhone, held it by the mouth when driving, tried to mess with traffic cops.
B: Did he pull it off?
A: Cop was pissed and ran his name through the system. Turns out he's got speed tickets unpaid!
B: No zuo no die.