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material description是什麽意思

material description

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1. A physical description of the material, including its color and physical form.

物理性質的描述, 包括顏色和物理形態.

2. Product Description: [ Material ] strap is a retractable - type rubber material.

產品介紹: [ 材質 ] 表帶是可伸縮型橡膠材料.

3. This material is gathered using the UKDA's Study Description Form.


4. But the quality description in the contract is only the simple size, material and color.

而出口合同的品質說明中只簡單寫明了規格 、 質料、顏色.

material description

1. 材質說明

2. 材料說明

3. 物料描述

4. 材料描述


description of material

original materials for description

description of materials

descriptive materials