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1. In 1975 psychologist Robert Ader at the University of Rochester School of Medicine conditioned(使形成條件反射)mice to avoid saccharin(糖精)by simultaneously feeding them the sweetener and injecting them with a drug that while suppressing their immune systems caused stomach upsets. [參考譯文]1975年,羅切斯特大學醫學院的心理學家Robert Ader在使老鼠對排斥糖精形成條件反射的試驗中,餵食老鼠糖精的同時給它們註射了壹種藥劑,這種藥在破壞老鼠的免疫系統的同時還會引起腹痛。

 2. Where is industry‘s and our recognition that protecting mankind’s great treasure is the single most important responsibility?


 3. If ever there will be time for environmental health professionals to come to the frontlines and provide leadership to solve environmental problems,that time is now. [參考譯文]如果說有需要環保專業人員站出來擔負起領導責任的時機的話,現在可謂是正當其時。

 4. The Times newspaper agrees,complaining that quality has suffered as student numbers soared,with close tutorial supervision giving way to“mass production methods more typical of European universities.”


 5. If food already contains natural carcinogens,it does not make sense to add dozens of new man-made ones. [參考譯文]盡管食品中已經含有了天然的致癌物質,但是,再人為地增加壹些有毒物質也是很不應該的。

 6. By studying mineral grains found in material ranging from rocks to clay articles,previous researchers have already been able to identify reversals dating back 170 million years,including the most recent switch 730,000 years ago. [參考譯文]通過研究巖石,陶器等壹系列材料中含有的礦物顆粒,先前的研究人員已能夠確認早在1.7億年發生的磁場兩極轉化現象,以及發生在73萬年以前的最新壹次兩極轉化現象。

 7. Several theories link polarity flips to external disasters such as meteor impacts. [參考譯文]有些理論將兩極轉化現象歸因於諸如隕星撞擊等外部因素。

 8. They could not learn:they could not benefit from experience because this emotionless world would lack rewards and punishments. [參考譯文]人們能夠學習的原因是:人的經歷能夠帶來獎勵或懲罰。換言之,如果人的某壹行為得到的是鼓勵,他重復這種行為;如果億的某壹行為帶給他的是懲罰,他會避免這種行為。為了獲得鼓勵,避免懲罰,人會努力去做他人認可的事情,從而不斷進步。

 9. Out of our emotional experiences with objects and events comes a social feeling of agreement that certain things and actions are“good”and others are“bad”,and we apply these categories to every aspect of our social life-from what foods we eat and what clothes we wear to how we keep promises and which people our group will accept. [參考譯文]與事物的情感經歷使我們產生了壹種社會認同感,即認為某些事情或行為是好的,其他的是壞的。我們還把“好”和“壞”的分類推而廣之,運用於社會生活的方方面面,——從我們吃的,穿的,到如何守信以及與什麽人為伍等。

 10. The current crisis,it contends,does not derive from a legitimate desire to put learning to productive ends. [參考譯文]報告堅持認為,當前高校面臨的危機不是由將知識運用於生產這壹指導思想導致的,這壹思想是完全正確的。

 11. Yet for all the talk of a forthcoming technological utopia little attention has been given to the implications of these developments for the poor. [參考譯文]然而,盡管人們正在大談特談即將到來的令人神往的科技王國,卻很少有人意識到這些技術發展中國家意味著什麽。

 12. The electronic economy made possible by information technology allows the haves to increase their control on global market,—with destructive impact on the have-nots. [參考譯文]信息技術使電子經濟成為可能,而電子經濟將進壹步加強富國對全球市場的控制,從而給窮國家帶來毀滅性的影響。

 13. Home schoolers habor few kind words for public schools,charging shortcomings that range from lack of religious perspective in the curriculum to a herdlike approach to teaching children. [參考譯文]家庭教育的倡導對學校教育鮮有褒獎,他們指責學校教育的種種弊端,從課和表上沒有宗教課到放牧的教育方法,不壹而足。

 14. Finally,advertisers try to begin commercials with sounds that are highly different from those of programming within which the commercial is buried. [參考譯文]最後,廣告人員還運用各種方法使廣告節目的聲音不同於其他節目的聲音。

 15. The act,designed to protect species‘living areas,and policies that preserve land and forests compete with economic interests. [參考譯文]這壹旨在保護動物生活場所的法案以及壹些保護土地及森林的政策卻與經濟利益相抵觸。

 16. Once again,the scientists have caught us mouthing pieties while acting just the contrary. [參考譯文]妳會說以貌取人不是美國人的做法,這不公平,令人難以置信然而,科學家們又壹次證明我們言行不壹。

 17. Not content with its doubtful claim to produce cheap food for our own population,the factory farming industry also argues that“hungry nations are benefiting from advances made by the poultry industry.”


 18. then came the weakening of the U.S. dollar against major currencies. [參考譯文]其次,美元對世界其他主要貨幣的比價下跌。

 19. Bottom retail prices—anywhere from 30% to 70% lower than those in Europe and Asia—have attracted some 47 million visitors,who are expected to leave behind $79 billion in 1994. [參考譯文]比歐洲和亞洲低30%~70%的零售價價格吸引了約四千七百萬的遊客於1994年湧入美國,而這些遊客為美國留下了79億美元的收入。

 20. It is said that the public and Congressional concern about deceptive(欺騙性的)packaging rumpus(喧囂)started because Senator Hart discovered that the boxes of cereals consumed by him,Mrs. Hart,and their children were becoming higher and narrower,with a decline of net weight from 12 to 10 1/2 ounces,without any reduction in price. [參考譯文]參議員哈特壹家在購買合裝麥片時發現,包裝盒變高了,變窄了,食品的分量也減少了,然而價格卻分文未降。據說,由此在公眾和議會中引發了壹場關於欺騙性商品包裝的軒然大波。

 21. The producers of packaged products argue strongly against changing sizes of packages to contain even weights and volumes,but no one in the trade comments unfavorably on the huge costs incurred by endless changes of package sizes,materials,shape,art work,and net weights that are used for improving a product‘s market position. [參考譯文]生產包裝產品的商家極力反對在改變了包裝上原有分量的商品,但他們卻絲毫不反對為了擴大產品的市場優勢,用於不斷改變包裝的大小、用料、形狀、制作工藝以及商品的凈重的大筆花費。

 22. If the bottom half can‘t effectively staff the processes that have to be operated,the management and professional jobs that go with these processes will disappear. [參考譯文]如果生產工人不能有效地完成有關的生產過程,那麽,與這些過程相關的管理和專業職位亦將不復存在。

 23. The biographer has to dance between two shaky positions with respect to the subject.全句的字面意思是:傳記作家不得不在與傳主所處的搖擺不定位置之間跳來跳致病去。


 24. In book promotions,the“unauthorized”characterization usually suggests the prospect of juicy gossip that the subject had hoped to suppress. [參考譯文]推銷書時,未經授權的傳記往往意味著讀者有可能從中讀到傳主不希望公之於眾的,繪聲繪色的內幕故事。

 25. In Japan,however,where babies are carried on their mother‘s back,infants do not acquire as much attachment to eyes as they do in other cultures. [參考譯文]然而,在日本,由嬰兒從小背在母親背上,他們對眼睛的依戀就不如生長在其他文化環境中的孩子那樣深。

 26. Just how critical this eye maneuvering is to the maintainance of conversational flow becomes evident when tow speakers are wearing dark glasses…


 27. Unlike other lawbreakers,who must leave the country,commit suicide,or go to jail,computer criminals sometimes escape punishment,demanding not only that they not be charged but that they be given good recommendations and perhaps other benefits. [參考譯文]其他的違法者或者逃亡國外,或者自殺,或者進監獄,計算機犯罪分子卻不同,他們可以逃避懲罰,並且要挾不要指控他們,甚至還要求為他們出具有利的推薦信或者為他們提供其他好處,他們的要求往往能夠得到滿足。

 28. The possibility of increases in the cost of uranium(鈾)in addition to the cost of greater safety provisions could price nuclear power out of the market. [參考譯文]用於采取進壹步的安全措施的費用加上鈾價的上漲會使核能因價格過高而失去市場。

 29. Having weighed up the arguments on both sides,it seems there are good economic and ecological reasons for sources of energy other than unclear power. [參考譯文]權衡核能贊成者和反對者的論據之後,從經濟和生態兩方面考慮,似乎有充分的理由認為應選用其他能源。

 30. Clothes play a critical part in the conclusions we reach by providing clues to who people are,who they are not,and who they would like to be. [參考譯文]人們的穿著能夠暗示他們是什麽樣的人,不是什麽樣的人,或可能會是什麽樣的人,因此,在我們判斷壹個人時起著關鍵作用。

 31. Coleman concludes that excellent job performance is so common these days that while doing your work well may win you pay increases,it won‘t secure you the big promotion. [參考譯文]科爾曼得出的結論如下:如今出色的工作表現十分普遍,雖說工作出色妳可以加薪,但妳未必能夠高升。

 32. Most women and blacks are so frightened that people will think they‘ve gotten ahead because of their sex or color that they play down(使…不突出)their visibility. [參考譯文]大多數女職員和黑人職員害怕人家說自己是因為性別或種族才得到提拔的,因此,他們盡量不去拋頭露面。

 33. The Oxford dictionary can therefore stand more vigorous scrutiny for cultural bias than the Longman dictionary because the latter does not hesitate about viewing the rest of the world from the cultural perspectives of the English-speaking world. [參考譯文]因此,《牛津詞典》比《朗讀曼詞典》更經得起文化偏見的嚴格審視,因為後者總是說英語國家的視角來評判其他國家的文化現象。

 34. In reality,though the BBC dictionary will be purchased by a far wider range of language learners,as will the other two dictionaries. [參考譯文]實際上,BBC詞典將擁有比另外兩本詞典更廣的讀者群。

 35. And this separation the detective feels between himself and the rest of the world is deepened by the simple mindedness as he sees it-of citizens,social workers,doctors,law-makers,and judges,who,instead of eliminating crime punish the criminals less severely in the hope that this will make them reform. [參考譯文]由於警察認為人們(市民,社會工作者,醫生,立法人員以及法官)頭腦簡單—比如,法官不是重罰以消除犯罪而是量刑從輕以期促使罪犯改過自新—因此,他們與社會之間的隔閡更深壹層。

 36. A spear or a robot is as much a cultural as a physical object. [參考譯文]予和機器人既是物理體,同樣也是文化現象。

 37. The inner workings of our own brains we feel to be uniquely worthy of investigation,but,custom,we have a way of thinking,is behavior at its most commonplace. [參考譯文]對於人腦的內部活動,我們認為特別值得研究。但對於傳統風俗,我們卻覺得那不過是最最平常的行為而已。

 38. John Dewey has said in all seriousness that the part played by custom in shaping the behavior of the individual as over against any way in which he can affect traditional custom,is as the proportion of the total vocabulary of his mother tongue over against those words of his own baby talk that are taken up into the language of his family. [參考譯文]約翰·杜威曾經十分認真地說過,風俗習慣對個人的行為的影響與個人對傳統習慣的影響之比,正如壹個人母語的詞匯總量與他兒時從家庭用語中學會的兒童用語之比。

 39. The most vivid body of“things”in it,of course,are musical instruments. [參考譯文]當然,音樂文化的最生動的物質載體是樂器。

 40. Through the study of instruments,as well as painting,written documents,and so on,we can explore the movement of music from the Near East to China over a thousand years ago,or we can outline the spread of Near Eastern influence to Europe that resulted in the development of most of the instruments in the symphony orchestra. [參考譯文]通過對圖片、文字記載以及樂器等的研究,我們可以了解壹千多年以前近東音樂傳入中國的情況,也可以勒出近東音樂的影響波及歐洲並導致交響樂的大部分樂器發展和演變的大致輪廓。

 41. Conflict,defined as opposition among social entities directed against one another,is distinguished from competition,defined as opposition among social entities independently striving for something which is in inadequate supply. [參考譯文]戰爭沖突與競爭不同,前者可以定義為社會實體之間彼此對立的抗爭,後者可定義為各個實體在單獨獲取供應不足的物資時所產生的對抗。

 42. Many authors have argued for the inevitability of war from the premise that in the struggle for existence among animal species,only the fittest survive. [參考譯文]許多作家根據動物世界為生存而進行的鬥爭中具有適者生存的規律這壹點,論證戰爭是不可避免的。

 43. As Dr. Samuel Johnson said in different ear about ladies preaching,the surprising thing about computers is not that they think less well than a man,but that they think at all. [參考譯文]正如在不同時代,塞繆爾·約翰遜博士所談論的女士布道壹樣,計算機的驚人之處不是它們的思考能力不如人類,而是它們居然會思考。

 44. Finally,the line between the original and the copy becomes unclear. [參考譯文]最後,人類和計算機之間的界線將變得模糊起來。

 45. Having evolved when the pace of life was slower,the human brain has an inherent defect that prevents it from absorbing several streams of information simultaneously and acting on them quickly. [參考譯文]由於在其進化期間,人類的生活節奏較為緩慢,人腦形成了固有的缺陷,不能同時接收來自多個渠道的信息並迅速進行處理。

 47. In an ideal world,there would be some ways of controlling quality such as that the VCR must be redesigned repeatedly until,say. 90 per cent of the time. [參考譯文]理想的社會裏,壹定會有辦法來監控產品的質量。例如,對錄像機,可以通過反復設計,最終達到,比方說,使90%的用戶在90%的情況下能正確使用其90%的功能。

 47. We have only to look behind us to get some sense of what may lie ahead. [參考譯文]要想知道未來會是什麽樣子,我們就要回顧過去。或者:回顧過去,我們可以據此展望未來。

 48. No one looking ahead 20 years possibly could have foreseen the ways in which a single invention,the chip,would transform our world thanks to its applications in personal computers,digital communications and factory robots. [參考譯文]如果20年前的人們預想現在的情況,恐怕誰也無法預見到僅集成電路塊壹項發明,壹旦將其運用於個人電腦、數字通信和工廠機器人身上,會給世界帶來怎樣的變化。

 49. Interestingly,though,the rise of the unattractive overnight successes was attributed more to personal relationships and less to ability than was that of attractive overnight successes. [參考譯文]然而,有趣的是,如果長相平平的女士和漂亮的女士都有突然獲得成功,人們會認為長相平平的女士的人際關系比漂亮女士好,而她們的能力卻不如漂亮女士。

 50. Most of these books,as well as several chapters,mainly in,but not limited to,journalism and broadcasting handbooks and reporting texts,stress the“how to”aspects of journalistic interviewing rather than the conceptual aspects of the interview,its context,and implications. [參考譯文]大多數的這類書和壹些章節強調如何進行采訪,而不是研究采訪的概念性問題,比如采訪的概念性問題,比如采訪的背景以及含義。這些章節主要見於,但也不限於,報章雜誌、廣播手冊以及新聞報道的書籍中。