當前位置:成語大全網 - 英語詞典 - 化學 :basicity = 堿性?為什麽我們的字典都說是堿性、堿度? 以什麽衡量?以什麽判斷?跟堿何幹?

化學 :basicity = 堿性?為什麽我們的字典都說是堿性、堿度? 以什麽衡量?以什麽判斷?跟堿何幹?


1.the state of being a base.

2.the power of an acid to react with bases,

dependent on the number of replaceable hydrogen atoms of the acid.

再討論”the basicity of acid"時很顯然用的是第二個意思,表述與堿反應的能力。

至於the basicity of acid的definition: refers to the number of replaceable hydrogen

atoms in one molecule of the acid。

如果妳是用普通字典,或者計算機翻譯,那絕對會翻譯出堿 度之類的意思,但這也無可厚非,這是專業詞匯的解釋。其實不止國內,國外學生壹開始接觸這個概念絕對也會出錯。以下引用壹個國外老師的話“Do note that “BASICITY of ACIDs” is associated with the

acids itself, and not on BASES. Many students

always argued that Basicity comes directly from the word BASE itself and should

only be associated with BASE as “BASICITY of BASEs”. I want to highlight over

here that this is incorrect! Best way to persuade you would be checking out the

Chemical Definition of “BASICITY”.”正如他所言,先查定義。

至於這東西具體到中文裏,應該是“n原酸”的概念,如次磷酸H3PO2只能電離壹個H+,是壹元酸,the basicity is 1. 語言翻譯可能有時直譯會行不通,但只要最後傳送到的知識是對的就好,畢竟語言文字只是壹種符號而已。