當句首狀語為否定詞或帶否定意義的詞語時,壹般引起局部倒裝。這些詞語常見的有:never, not for one minute, no longer, on no account, no more, nowhere else, at no time, hardly, scarcely, rarely, not for nothing等。例如:
Never have I found him in such a good mood.
Only yesterday did he find out that his watch was missing.
以關聯連詞not only(but also)和so(...that)開頭的句子,通常引起局部倒裝。例如:
So small was the mark that I could hardly see it.
gaze, glare, gape, peer, stare?
We gazed at the rough sea lost in thought.我們凝視波濤洶湧的大海,陷入沈思。
People glared at the man who had assassinated their premier.人們憤怒地瞪著刺殺了他們總理的兇手。
Tourists gaped at the animal keeper feeding meat to the lions.遊客們目不轉晴地看著飼養員給獅子餵肉。
The detective peered into the room through his binoculars.偵探用望遠鏡向屋內窺視。
The girl stared at the beggar instead of giving him some money.小女孩冷冷地盯著乞丐,沒給他錢。
1. Any steam engine gives us an example of ?____? into work.
A.heats having turned B. heats turning
C. heats having been turned D. heat being turned
2. Essentially, a theory is an abstract, symbolic representation of?______? reality.
A. what it is conceived B. that is conceived
C. that is being conceived D. what is conceived to be
3. Not until a monkey is several years old ?____? to exhibit signs of independence from its mother.
A.it does begin B. when it begins
C. does it begin D. before it begins
4. Television will be used to enable customers to shop from the comfort of their homes by simply ordering via the TV screen, payment?____? by direct debit of their credit cards.
A. making it B. is made
C. being made D. will be made
5. A woman has to be ?____? a man to go half as far.
A. twice as good as B. as twice good as
C. twice good as D. twice so good as
6. Hardly had we got on the bus ?____? it began to rain.
A. when B. since C. but D. before
7. I?m sorry I can?t go with you, but I wish you ?____?.
A. a good time B. have a good time
C. to have a good time D. will have a good time
8. Many a time ?____? them not to do so.
A. we have warned B. do we have warned
C. have we warned D. warned we have
9. They have produced ?____?.
A. 10 more pianos this month than last month
B. 10 pianos more this monththan last month
C. 10 pianos this month as many as last month
D. 10 as many pianos this month as last month
10. He was hungry and ordered two ?____? of fish.
A. shares B. parts C. portions D. sections
11. The best students are ?____? special scholarships.
A. awarded B. rewarded C. forwarded D. honored
12. She stood up and ?____? in strong language.
A. opposed B. reckoned C. objected D. shouted
13. After becoming paralysed, Jane had to get used to the loss of?____?.She hated having to depend on others for things she once did for herself.
A. authority B. autonomy
C. attraction D. dependence
14. Having poor handwriting is not much of a ?____? in an age of typewriters and computers.
A. difference B. possibility
C. convention D. liability
15. The ?____? grades are generally considered to be kindergarten through third grade.
A. primitive B. primary C. promising D. proceeding
16. The meal was excellent; the pears were particularly?____?.
A. flavored B. delicious C. tasteful D. gracious
17. His parents give him many expensive toys as some form of ?____?for his lameness and inability to play active games.
A. remedy B. compensation
C. treatment D. comfort
18. To what extent will future scientific discoveries make possible the ?____? of the human life span.
A. increase B. expansion
C. growth D. prolongation
19. She was at the ?____? of her career when she was badly injured in the car accident.
A. bloom B. peak C. excess D. extreme
20. Should the ?____? of patriotism be controlled by reason
?A. sentiment B. affection C. emotion D. passion
21.?____? going through to New York yesterday to attend his son?s wedding, Dr. Knapp flew to Chicago for a flower show.
A. On the contrary B. In spite of
C. Instead of D. Because of
22.?____? to the question of refreshments, I should think orange juice and potato chips will be sufficient.
A.Due B. As C. Prior D. According
23. To most of the undergraduate students, the doctoral degree is a distant ?____?.
A. theme B. prospect C. threshold D. token
24. The party?s reduced vote was ?____? of lack of support for its policies.
A. authoritative B. acute
C. adverse D. indicative
25. Plato?s teaching had a profound ?____? on Aristotle.
A. sentiment B. affect C. effect D.sanction
1. D)句意蒸汽機是將熱轉化為能的壹個例子。
難點heat是不可數名詞,是being turned的邏輯主語。
2. D)句意從本質上說,理論是對虛構現實的壹種抽象的並具有象征性的展示。
3. C)句意猴子要到幾歲的時候才能表現出脫離母親而獨立的跡象。
4. C)句意人們將使用電視在家裏舒舒服服地購物,可以通過屏幕進行訂貨,所需支付的款項可直接從信用卡扣除。
5. A)句意壹個女人如果想走男人的壹半距離的話,那麽她的體力必須是男人的二倍
難點表示?有?幾倍好?用?幾倍+as+adj +as?結構。
6. A)句意我們剛上車,就下起雨來了。
7. A)句意對不起,我不能跟妳去,但是我希望妳玩得愉快。
8. C)句意我們多次警告他們不要這樣做。
難點?Many a time?引導倒裝。
9. A)句意他們這個月生產的鋼琴比上個月多十臺。
10. C)句意他餓極了,點了兩份魚。
11. A)句意最好的學生被頒發特殊獎學金。
12. C)句意她站起身,用激烈的言辭表示反對。
13. B)句意癱瘓後,珍妮不得不去習慣失去自由行動能力的狀態,她討厭依賴他人做她以前自己能做的事情。
14. D)句意字寫得不好在打字機和電腦時代算不上不利條件。
15. B)句意壹般認為初級年級是從幼兒園到三年級。
16. B)句意這頓飯真好吃,尤其是梨,很香。
17. B)句意由於跛足,他不能玩運動量大的遊戲,他的父母給了他很多昂貴的玩具作為某種形式的補償。
18. D)句意未來的科學發現將在多大程度上延長人的壽命呢?
19. B)句意正當事業處於頂峰的時候,她出了車禍,受了重傷。
難點peak意為?頂點,頂峰?,常用於詞組at the peak of 中;bloom 意為?開花期;繁花盛開?,常用於詞組 in the bloom of ?;excess意為?超越,越過?;extreme意為?極度(狀態)?。
20. A)句意愛國主義情操應該受理智控制嗎?
21. C)句意耐普博士昨天沒去紐約參加兒子的婚禮而是飛到芝加哥去看花展。
難點instead of 意為?代替,而不是?;on the contrary 意為?正相反?;in spite of 意為?不顧,盡管?;because of 意為?由於,因為?。四個詞組中,只有instead of 後面可接動名詞doing的形式。
22. C) 句意我想,在吃點心前桔汁和土豆片就足以吃飽了。
難點prior to 意為?在?以前,先於?;due to 意為?由於,因為?;as to 意為?至於,關於?; according to 意為?根據,按照?。
23. B)句意對多數本科生來說,博士學位是壹個遙遠的前景。
難點prospect意為?(經濟、地位等)前景,前程;景象?;theme 意為?主題,題目?;threshold意為?門檻;開端?;token意為?標誌,象征,記號?。
24. D)句意該黨得票下降暗示該黨的政策缺少支持。
25. C)句意柏拉圖的教學對亞裏士多得有深遠的影響。
難點effect意為?作用,影響?,have an effect on ?意為?對?有影響。?sentiment意為?感情,意見?;affect意為?影響,假裝?,是動詞;sanction意為?贊許,支持;鼓勵?。