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20190226 jeopardize



in BRIT, also use jeopardise.

v. to jeopardize a situation or activity means to do something that may destory it or cause it to fail. 使處於危險境地,危及,危害,損害 V n

put (someone or something) into a situation in which there is a danger of loss, harm, or failure.


jeopardize的意思是“危及,損害,影響”,是壹個出現頻率甚高的動詞,可以替換hurt, endanger, put something at risk等詞,後面壹般接chances, interests, ability, future, safety等詞。


1. The scandal that involved Liu Qiangdong, CEO of JD, seriously jeopardized the company's interests.

2. Scandals could severely jeopardized poticians' chances of being re-elected.(這句來自牛津搭配詞典)

3. Any failure of delivery could potentially jeopardize the company's ability to do business.

4. The task for America and NATO is to meet the Russian challenge without triggering an arms race that would split the alliance and jeopardise what is left of global arms control. 美國和北約的任務是在不引發軍備競賽的情況下應對俄羅斯的挑戰。軍備競賽將導致北約內部的分裂,並危及剩下的全球軍備控制。

5. The bank's shareholders must also konw that, if they were to reject Mr Malpass, Mr Trump could turn violently against the institution. That would scupper the chances of America's Congress ratifying the agreed capital increase. It would also jeopardise future American contributions to the World Bank's fund for helping the neediest countries.?該銀行的股東還必須知道,如果他們拒絕馬爾帕斯,特朗普可能會猛烈反對這家機構。這將破壞美國國會批準資本增加協議的機會。這也將危及美國未來對世界銀行幫助最貧困國家基金的捐款。

scupper與jeopardise屬於近義詞 ?ratify?/?r?t?fa?/ v.批準 (條約或書面協議)



if she couldn't pass the bar exam this time, it would jeopardize the prospect of her career. (自己)

Failing the law exam could potentially jeopardize her professional prospects. (參考翻譯)

分析:參考翻譯是簡單句,職業前景 professional prospects。


A long and indisciplined life may jeopardize your health.