保險信用保險開戶
雙語例句
權威例句
類別:
全部
口語
書面語
難度:
全部
簡單
中等
難
1.
We
call
our
regular
savings
account
plan
passbook
savings
.
You
may
openaccount
with
your
wife.
您可以只用您自己的名字開立帳戶,也可以與您的妻子開立***同帳戶.
來自互聯網
2.
You
can
hedge
against
redundancy
or
illness
with
insurance.
可以購買保險以防失業或患病。
來自柯林斯例句
3.
He
had
closed
his
account
with
the
bank
five
years
earlier.
早在5年前他就在這家銀行銷戶了。
來自柯林斯例句
4.
want
to
open
an
account
with
[
at
]
a
bank.
我想在壹家銀行開個
戶.
來自《現代漢英綜合大詞典》
5.
My
account
is
in
credit.
我的銀行賬目有存款.
來自《簡明英漢詞典》
6.
Julian
ought
to
have
resigned,
then
he'd
have
come
out
of
it
with
some
credit.
朱利安本應該辭職,這樣他總歸還能算是有些功勞.
來自柯林斯例句
7.
made
sure
the
account
stayed
in
credit.
我確保賬戶裏有余額。
來自辭典例句
8.
want
to
open
a
deposit
account
with
you.
我要開個儲蓄帳戶.
來自辭典例句
9.
Your
account
is
in
credit
,
ie
There
is
money
in
it.
妳的帳上有餘額.
來自辭典例句
10.
We
are
disposed
to
open
an
account
with
your
firm.
我們極欲在貴號開設壹個戶頭.
來自辭典例句