當前位置:成語大全網 - 英語詞典 - grew up是什麽意思 grew up的中文翻譯、讀音、例句?

grew up是什麽意思 grew up的中文翻譯、讀音、例句?

grew up的中文解釋是”的過去式成長成熟”,其次還有”的過去式成長成熟”的意思,讀音為[ɡru: ?p],在英語中以名詞出現較多,在《英漢百科詞典》中,***找到59個與grew up相關的用法和句子。

1. ? Oh, he grew up running wild ?

翻譯: Oh, he grew up running wild 。

2. Hey, i grew up in this house, okay?

翻譯:Hey, I grew up in this house, okay?。

3. i grew up in neighborhoods like this.

翻譯:我從小就在這樣的社區裏長大 I grew up in neighborhoods like this.。

4. And grew tall and they started talking…

5. – When you grew up like we did, it… it impacts how you see the world.

翻譯:”Yet”? 如果妳像我們那樣長大 When you grew up like we did, 會…。

6. i grew up mostly behind the bars.

翻譯:l grew up mostly behind the bars. 從小到大我都無拘無束。

7. When i grew up, i grew up in a Catholic home.

8. Bee Gees – First Of May ? The apple tree that grew for you and me,

翻譯:? The apple tree that grew for you and me。

9. No, dean grew up in gracepoint.

翻譯:不 迪恩在恩點鎮長大 No, Dean grew up in Gracepoint.。

10. But i grew up with soldiers.

翻譯:但我從小和戰士們壹起生活. But I grew up with soldiers.。

11. From hers grew greenbriers

翻譯:From hers grew greenbriers。

12. Pretty sure that kid grew up to be Casey Rooks.

翻譯:Pretty sure that kid grew up to be Casey Rooks.。

13. is this where you grew up? it’s for you, Dash.

翻譯:Is this where you grew up?。

14. it’s a problem where i grew up.

翻譯:我的成長史蠻有問題 It’s a problem where I grew up.。

15. So, what do you guys think of where your dad and i grew up?

翻譯:So, what do you guys think of where your dad and I grew up?。
